See these releases as FBW has formally endorsed support for single-member school district representation & improved bond accountability thus opposing this controversial '07 RECORD bond proposal (SMD makes it harder for special interests to manipulate district seats giving more control to local voters and representation they can hold accountable to their area). With improved representation, that limits the special interest influence, a reasonable bond can be crafted with built in checks to assure it gets used as proposed (this can not happen, in our opinion, under the current process, policies and state law):
We will update this at intervals. Check the county election site at: for your polling station.
2009 FBISD Tax Hearing (On YouTube)
CLICK HERE FOR THE 2009 FBISD CONTROVERSIAL TAX HEARING (YES THEY ARE RAISING THEM AGAIN--see petition of over 500 district taxpayers asking for board accountability)
--In case anyone missed it they raised the property tax rate again (4th time) in 2010 and more than likely will do so again in 2011 facing another projected 15-20 million dollar budget deficit, according to some media reports.
***NEW*** ..Petition TO STOP THE GSTC (Global Science Museum being planned at the district central office--near $30 million dollar project that superintendent Jenney is pushing): (see update below on this apparently ending this project after 2 years)
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Last Chance To Vote NO On RECORD FBISD Bond/Tax Increase Today (Tues.)!
FBISD record bond,
Special interests,
Voting Tuesday
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fbisdwatch said...
Related bond posts:
7 Nicole - Oct 28, 07:53 PM
It seems that the one that made calls to the superintendent of HISD regarding Mr. Pinnock and the one that made calls to FBISD superintendent regarding Cheryl Hill has finally come out of the closet, we knew that you were hiding in there anyway. Is there something else that we should know J willa ?
8 Teacher - Oct 28, 08:27 PM
jwilliamson #5,
I’m sure Mr. Pinnock has a lunch or breaks in his school day, just like the rest of us. You, Mr. Williamson, bring nothing to the table in any of these discussions. You obviously have political agendas you are trying to promote, as evidenced from previous posts on this website. You have chosen to be part of the problem instead of part of the solution. Congratulations.
9 j williamson - Oct 29, 08:49 AM
What is your solution?
10 K D Tunstall - Oct 29, 09:29 AM
Hey j williamson….do you desire the phone number to my employer so you can complain about me posting during working hours as well?
11 j williamson - Oct 29, 09:40 AM
Yea. Go ahead and post it.
12 chris - Oct 29, 09:41 AM
I want JWs employers phone number so I can say hello too. . . ;-}
13 theydrewfirstblood - Oct 29, 11:01 AM
KD – Are you being paid with my tax dollars? (#10)
14 K D Tunstall - Oct 29, 11:23 AM
Hit my web site, it is posted.
Be aware, if you call, your number will be logged and your the conversation recorded.
Care to reciprocate? Or… you only complain when you can remain anonymous?
Internet stalking is a crime.
15 chris - Oct 29, 12:03 PM
Ah the networks are showing their face here in this thread. Very telling. Thanks for chiming in!
The point is that trying to threaten someones job because you don’t agree with their posts is beyond contempt and sounds an awful lot like internet stalking….do you know what has been going on behind the scenes TDFB? Much more than just calling employers.
This is a great thread for smoking out the mice…. ;-)
16 K D Tunstall - Oct 29, 02:10 PM
13 theydrewfirstblood –
KD – Are you being paid with my tax dollars? (#10)
Quite frankly, it isn’t any of your business.
Are you suggesting that you live in Harris County? If so….you should be more concerned with your own back yard instead of messing up ours.
17 theydrewfirstblood - Oct 29, 02:25 PM
Chris – You are correct. I have no way of knowing anything about what you are implying.
I don’t agree with a lot of what is posted here, but I defend the rights of the people that post. Everyone is entitled to an opinion.
All I know is that I don’t like people squandering my tax dollars.
18 wadefishin - Oct 29, 02:58 PM
and the black helos fly over…....
19 chris - Oct 29, 04:18 PM
“All I know is that I don’t like people squandering my tax dollars.”
I agree with you 100% on that TDFB. Better keep an eye on the bonds (all bonds) then this election period. This is the end around when items on operational budgets are moved to long-term debt….
20 TexasRose - Oct 29, 06:37 PM
“and the black helos fly over…..” ~ Wade
Hilos, Hawaii? =)
Cheers to FBISD!
May your “bond” find the everlasting peace it deserves!
21 Nicole - Oct 29, 07:54 PM
j williamson
You seem like a great little puppy dog that barks often and wags its tail when given a treat.
Was the phone calls that were placed to employers a part of your attempt to silence the opposition ?
Did you not know that most companies have caller ID on every company phone.
You really need to wake up and smell the coffee and get your head out of those developers rear as___.
22 K D Tunstall - Oct 29, 07:56 PM
May your “bond” find the everlasting peace it deserves!
Gotta bury it first TR. Once this is over perhaps I’ll come fight along with you guys on the 99 debacle.
23 chris - Oct 29, 08:19 PM
Thanks TR. Hopefully voters will see what is going on and respond. If not the district has promised to come back for more in 2-3 years and we can better prepare and organize for improved representation and better accountability.
24 Cheryl Hill - Oct 30, 05:58 AM
Thanks, I did not know that I was being stalked.
25 Nicole - Oct 30, 09:35 AM
You are more than welcome. Stalking is on an all time high making it’s way through Fort Bend County all the way through Houston.
I felt that you and everyone else should know what was being done and discussed by a group of morons that would go to great lengths to see that this bond proposal is passed, and we all know deep down inside that this fight is not to benefit our children, but to benefit a number of special interest pocket books.
The only ones that will end up short changed is the citizens.
26 chris - Oct 30, 11:03 AM
“but to benefit a number of special interest pocket books.
The only ones that will end up short changed is the citizens.”
Following the money trail on all bonds is essential to tracking the business and political networks at play. Yes we have stepped on some toes and members are paying the price, but we are only bloodied not bowed and the amount of e-mails and phone calls coming in has been very encouraging.
Just remember there is no profit motive in our support of improved bond accountability (through adoption of single-member districts and bond culpability).
Keep your heads held high and get to the polls. It does no good to stay at home and sit on your hands. FBISDWatch members have been receiving some malefic calls from district officials and affiliates, but the positive calls and contacts far outweigh the harassment.
Keep up the good work. It is just beginning!
27 fortbendpractical - Oct 31, 08:24 AM
I have just returned to our great country and it brings me much pleasure to see that we have a site that is worth reading and reports on critical issues that are perplexing our tattering school district. As I posted before…we need more accountability and you can’t stand on the doorstep of mediocrity and expect to get in the DOOR...
My applause!
28 chris - Oct 31, 10:30 AM
I find the endorsements of the record bond by edc members and officials (some elected receiving regular campaign financial support from their membership) very interesting considering some of those large engineering, legal and development companies will benefit on both ends of the bond issuance (but debt for the rest of us). Of course this isn’t surprising. Are they asking the questions about accountability and better representation? Are they seeking land kick-in from the large Houston development companies who need these schools in their communities to sell homes and property? Is our current BOT and administration addressing these concerns? No, but they are getting all the “right” endorsements…
This seems to reinforce former BOT member Ms. McGarr’s earlier post here at:
29 TexasRose - Oct 31, 10:45 AM
Chris/KD ~
“Keep your heads held high and get to the polls. It does no good to stay at home and sit on your hands.”
I elect ya’ll PR spokespeople(s) of the year! =)
30 K D Tunstall - Oct 31, 01:55 PM
I’m not a spokesperson ….just a taxpayer.
November 1, 2007 6:40 AM
Anonymous said...
I wanted to check in and let you all know that I voted no on this issue.
November 1, 2007 7:25 AM
Anonymous said...
I live in Quail Valley and just received a notice from Quail Valley Proud saying to support the bond. Just thought you all should hear it.
PS-I voted against it.
November 1, 2007 9:27 AM
Anonymous said...
Did you all see this in Fort Bend
Vocal FBISD Bond Critics Hit In Bank Scam They Say Was Meant To Send A Message
by Bob Dunn, Nov 01, 2007, 02 20 PM
Kevin Tunstall and Noel Pinnock both live in Missouri City, both ran unsuccessfully for public office in the last election, and both have been vocal opponents of Fort Bend Independent School District’s proposed $428 million bond referendum.
Now, Tunstall and Pinnock have something else in common. Within the past week, they say, someone in Austin found a way to make fraudulent withdrawals from both men’s bank accounts.
The two say they are certain the action was taken by political opponents, although they acknowledge they have no hard evidence.
Pinnock, a Houston ISD program manager who ran for Fort Bend ISD school board, said records from his Wells Fargo account show someone, apparently using a “replica” of his debit card and his personal pin number, withdrew $203.45 from his account on Oct. 26; $203.95 on Oct. 27, and $201.45 on Oct. 28.
Tunstall, majority owner of Stafford’s HealthXpress LLC and chairman of the county Libertarian Party who ran for Missouri City Council, said records from his Amegy Bank account show someone used what appeared to be his debit card and pin number to make two withdrawals of $203.95 on Oct. 26, and two more withdrawals of $203.95 on Oct. 29.
Pinnock and Tunstall say the withdrawals were made from ATM machines in Austin, while the two men were hundreds of miles away in the Fort Bend County area.
Pinnock said he was sitting in a Houston restaurant Friday night “and I had my (debit) card in my pocket when they were in Austin using my bank card and my pin code.”
“It was obviously done to send me a message to back off” from his outspoken opposition to the Fort Bend ISD bond issue, Tunstall said Thursday. “But you know what? All it has done is galvenized my resolve.”
However, he added, “my wife is scared. She’s really sick of this. She really does want to pack up and leave.”
“I think that we’ve got a corporate fraud or scandal on our hands,” Pinnock said. “I know it has everything to do with my political stance. I’m just afraid it happens to too many peope and they back down. And that’s not going to happen with me.”
Pinnock said the unauthorized bank withdrawals will be investigated, adding, “we’re going to take it to the highest levels that we possibly can. I think it’s blatant terrorism on a citizen, when you mess with people’s money.”
Ironically, Pinnock believes money is the motivation for the bank fraud incident, in the form of the millions of dollars that school district vendors stand to make if the bond passes – or not make if it fails.
Last week, FortBendNow published a letter to the editor from Pinnock in which Pinnock touted a new web site created by a group calling itself FBISD WatchDogs, which has come out against the Fort Bend ISD bond issue.
Tunstall has stated his opposition to the bond issue numerous times in editorial comments appearing with bond-related news articles in FortBendNow.
Both men said they believe political opponents are behind the bank thefts, but neither would publicly identify those opponents they may suspect.
“It’s definitely bond-related, and our opposition to the bonds and the fact that we spoke out against the corporate welfare that exists,” Tunstall said. “If identity theft happens to one political candidate and outspoken critic, it’s a coincidence. If it happens to two of them, it’s a conspiracy.”
“These guys are all in bed together,” he added. “Who knows where this will end up? I’m waiting for the dead animals to start showing up in my yard.”
Anonymous said...
Here's something you all might appreciate:
November 2, 2007 8:58 AM
Anonymous said...
Someone posted a anti-bond poster on our community bulletin board. Was that you all?
November 3, 2007 9:21 AM
Anonymous said...
The HOA in our Mo-Cty neighborhood has been telling us to vote for the bond. Is that legal for them to do that?
November 3, 2007 1:17 PM
Anonymous said...
The article under the GISD slapp has a link to one of the papers. I like this quote
“People are very tired of what this type of government is doing,” Tetley said. “They are using our money to silence us.”
Tetley is right. She's paying for them to monitor her site and possibly sue her. It's outrageous. She should cross-file for harassment, civil rights violations, abuse of process, abuse of power, frivolous lawsuit. These intimidation tactics need constant exposure. Put this in front of a jury and I can guarantee you that board will eventually be voted out!
27 chris - Nov 1, 09:14 AM
“I believe, there lies the conundrum, it is the persistent citizen who must ruffle the feathers to change, otherwise we all live in status-quo.”
I agree with this statement 100%. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this.
I voted as you did and agree that under-representation and lack of direct voter input via SMD is a major process problem with FBISD. When I ask taxpayers who their BOT member is almost all do not know.
I have been an educator in K-12 for years, have worked promoting bonds in a cental office and currently have several graduate faculty appointments. I’m very familiar with the process and have devoted the last 2 decades to the children.
What is my agenda, btw?
PS-My wife is a professor who teaches nurses and before that was an ER, ICU nurse. What is our families agenda, but unselfish service to others…
Paint the picture anyway you like pseudo-wade, as I’ve told you before. We will keep seeking out the truth and sharing it with those that are interested and not to those counter-spinning in here (or elsewhere). I’m not a politician nor have I ever run for office, but I can spot a political operative a mile away (and IMO you are one). Keep running interference for the special interests (and supporting corporatism, not democracy and the constitution).
Get out and vote folks (and follow the money it tells the tale)!
28 wadefishin - Nov 1, 10:40 AM
explain pseudo-wade
“Sienna/Johnson had earlier obtained a deposition from Calvin, regarding the website and
Sienna/Johnson claim that Calvin had admitted under oath that he had used more than 30 aliases”
It appears your agenda is to denigrate the admin whether the facts support your opinions or not…..once again in my opinion that has nothing to do with edu of kids.
You might just be one of those individuals who complain/gripe chronically. In other words you have to run everyone else down to make yourself feel good.
btw how long were you a member of the repub party?.......hahaha
Chris I’m not your enemy, you are.
29 chris - Nov 1, 04:53 PM
“It appears your agenda is to denigrate the admin whether the facts support your opinions or not…..once again in my opinion that has nothing to do with edu of kids. “ ...wade (pseudo)
Wade—come out like the rest of us and debate in the open. No one from our group will retaliate that’s a promise. The marginalizing post you keep resending is something we are very proud off standing up too (look up SLAPP-suits). Thank you for your spin for them, it shows who you really are inside (now for those who like two sides to every tale just follow this one:
plantation-developer). Again you need to include more than just one side wade.
As for your attempt to run me off, fat chance. Stop trying to redirect this thread, because that doesn’t work either…
As for your interpretation of “my agenda” you would be spinning this (or something similar) no matter who was posting for accountability and improved representation. I apologize if you find it such an impossible concept to accept. Yes east-end schools (not in new developments are receiving less attention than other areas, those are the facts, just read the current bond proposal that can change after we vote. Ck the law on that too, it was quoted by one of your commissioners during the road bonds just last year, with backing from some of the same organizations).
Try again (or should I say spin again). I’ll stay as long as you like wade.
Ck this thread out too. I’m interested on your take/spin on this coincidence:
30 j williamson - Nov 1, 05:29 PM
I would agree that east-end schools suffer from neglect.
31 wadefishin - Nov 1, 06:36 PM
merely pointing out how two faced you are….you have no problem using 30 aliases but for some reason my nom de plume bothers you….I’m not your enemy….you are
32 chris - Nov 1, 08:28 PM
As usual a statement from the corner of the “king makers” for the crony network. Keep defending ‘em wadeboy.
Oh, BTW I was a hypocrite repub for 26 years, now I vote mixed ticket. It’s really quite liberating. You stop following the networks you defend and look at things the way they are. Of course any entry level freshmen poli-sci class (or sociology course) could of pointed these things out.
You keep hiding and don’t come out because it’s those you defend you need to worry about, not me.
Yes, all FBISD needs improved representation through single-member districts that would lead to improved bond accountability, which currently does not exist! I sure would like a neighbor elected, rather than the hand selected bunch from anywhere in the 7th largest district in the state, but that is too much like real democracy for the crony boys now isn’t it?
Keep fishin wade…maybe someday you will actually catch something . . . ; – }
33 Nicole - Nov 1, 09:36 PM
That is the answer, he probably already has caught something.
Now I understand why he is always so pissed off.
Something smells mighty fishy in the air..
34 Anonymous - Nov 1, 09:51 PM
Chris – - you need to get a life. Nothing you have done, regardless of the name you use has EVER been positive or fruitful. You attack people you do not know, attack their credibility without any solid evidence and make political and social judgements you are NOT qualified to make. When will you ever stop.
35 chris - Nov 1, 10:00 PM
Don’t get me started on the fish metaphors…..good one though. We need a laugh in here from time to time.
36 Vote NO! - Nov 1, 11:29 PM
Want to get to the source of the smell? Just add an “ey”.
37 theydrewfirstblood - Nov 2, 12:39 AM
Chris – I hate to tell you this, but (sad statement) most people in Fort Bend County cannot name their school board members. They also can’t name their State Rep or their Congressman. They can probably tell you who the mayor is, but could more than likely only name two city councilmembers and wouldn’t know exactly which one represents THEIR neighborhood. Same way with County Commissioners -(By the way, there are a lot of school district employees who don’t know the names of the BOT.)
38 chris - Nov 2, 05:36 AM
Sorry to quote this site but this story reminds me of something….maybe the VN post above.
Not much changes does it? Here’s another somewhat interesting link for all of you who do not support the notion of business networks and their undue influences on how we vote (see: think some (mostly those defending them) like to point the finger and use the word “conspiracy theory”.
Not sure if that word really applies given the fact that it exists (I call them business & political networks controlled by the few, or just crony networks. Others call it the “pay to play” system in TX or in our case FB county)....
Get out and vote NO to the crony bond!
39 wadefishin - Nov 2, 06:24 AM
you noticed too…Chris and Nicole’s glass is always half empty and they have no idea why…
Chris you were a rino…?
the topic is “Bond accusers show inability to ascertain the truth” can you even name the issues, not the pseudo-issues….nor wadebashin
40 TexasRose - Nov 2, 07:32 AM
OmG the “dOminO bOys”!??
If you please ascertain this: what the heck kind of game did the “special interest” guys proficize with at your town hall? Did they happily show you the money (trails) the demographic (trails)?
Our district had oodles & oodles of evidence to proof our district needs were actually needed. Do you guys have a demographer? Every district does! We all pay good monies right there to employ that aspect. I simply am amazed at low citizen turnout…what gives with the PR department anyways? I am shocked to say the least, that no one cares to speak about that! It DOES begin there! For citizens with children, you know what I am saying: thus the COmmunication dept passes on approval to each school’s PTO to therefore handout in all students folders. Why will no one admit this is or is not the case?
41 Nicole - Nov 2, 07:44 AM
I can see that your glass is always pretty full.
I think you know why.
Did you happen to catch any crab today ?
42 TexasRose - Nov 2, 08:33 AM
You know, I am happy enough to know be the center of ya’lls fishin’ trip or anything, but please may we get down to reality?
My biz q’s need your full attention….if you do not mind ascertaining me for awhile?
As funny as I feel, your jokes are…I am forbidden to elaborate.
Please let’s pay attention guys! Proof to me your any lately?
43 chris - Nov 2, 08:34 AM
“Why will no one admit this is or is not the case?”
I’m a member of our PTO as are several of the committee members. Some are on the boards and serving on committees. You are correct, much of the central office info spin does come through these networks and it is hard to sometimes discern fact from myth. I believe in this case it is important to make the requests Mr. Cain has and share them with others, as he has done. The earlier critiques still stand i.e. empty seats, lack of adequate long range planning along with the plethora of other bonafide concerns already beaten to death in here. Our district does have a demographer and did issue reports, but I also see many schools with empty seats. Not a good use of our resources and I see items that are normally on the yearly operational budget that are appearing on the bond proposal (again a proposal that can be changed willy nilly, see citation from Mr. McClendon “ Texas Education Code Section 45 limits what basis politicians can use to solicit funds to increase public debt. However, once the politicians get their hands on the money, it goes into the general fund.”
These are all valid concerns that have been questioned without response or with more obfuscation.
44 wadefishin - Nov 2, 08:45 AM
I’m sorry you’ve chosen to be so unhappy…..
45 Nicole - Nov 2, 10:03 AM
Perhaps you should get in where you fit in and speak to me only if I address you, so until then pick up your trash and move along gal…..
You are very lucky that I can only elaborate to a certain point, as Bob permits here on this site.
Get prepared for the next trash day.
No More TexRose
It is not my fault that you had a bad catch.
Try seeking help from the doctor, they have been known to put out those types of fires.
Today is the last day for early voting, I thought you would like to know that I have five friends that are tagging along with me today to the polls, they are all voting no to the bond.
46 TexasRose - Nov 2, 10:18 AM
Watcch out “N” you’re etiquette is (Not) showing….Ms. Manners will be happy to oblige, Oh nevermind! You’re come back we surely await….appreciate your tongue lashing =(
PTO? Got any? Of course dissing my questions only have me coming back to ask for more…....just ask my BOT, Superintendant, PAC committee members…oh! But it’s your legacy not mine.
Thanks for your invite, now goo…go splash your spin elsewhere, I see you have no real answers for me!
47 chris - Nov 2, 10:56 AM
Members of the committee have asked you to contact them to send you the forms and data we have (see kevin’s posts). As of today we have not received any such request. Create a yahoo acct. to remain anonymous and then send a request to and I’m sure you will get quite a bit of what we’ve seen, requested and been mistold.
I for one appreciate any help you can provide anonymous or not. We have sent out hundreds of info requests to the public already since this began, but new FOIAs go to the district almost daily (some without response) so more is available constantly. We have a CPA working on some of the financials too. We are more than happy to share it as it comes in….just send for it.
48 Carlos Cain - Nov 2, 12:58 PM
November 7, 2007 For Sale
One perfectly good house in FBISD. Price is 1million (USD) dollars . “For the Developer that has Everything, except a bond to steal from” Cash only. I’ll leave town and never return. All interested parties have my address & phone number already.
Carlos & Family
49 chris - Nov 2, 02:56 PM
...Mr. Cain, I sure hope the price is much higher. . . ;-)
Your not the type to ever sell-out and run.
Keep asking the questions and exposing the truth about some of our officials and their network.
50 Joe Garland - Nov 2, 04:27 PM
Chris and Carlos
Keep asking the questions and exposing the truth about some of our officials and their network.
it is know as the MACHINE
51 wadefishin - Nov 2, 06:39 PM
The Machine
52 chris - Nov 2, 08:10 PM
Thanks Joe for getting involved. Some understand that the chaff being generated in this bond election has everything to do with the lack of INTEGRITY and real character. The pol. operatives will try to turn it into something of convenience for their own twisted purposes. The bottom line is the hundreds of millions in debt we the taxpayers will take on for the sake of a handful of vendors, this is the motive, but never have you seen the finger pointers (special interests) affix an even reasonable motive or investigate the bond short-falls for themselves (because they are already clear on their motives, pass the bond at all costs). They quiety follow the closed mantra keeping tightly in formation.
You better close up your ranks boys your getting sloppy! Spin on! We’ll be around for the next record one too (remember another taxpayer/debt gift to the special interests in 2-3 yrs). Don’t worry that the state fund cap reported in the chronicle is about to be surpassed, we can always somehow finance more, someone will back it somewhere, right?
Get out and vote Tuesday, but understand fully what it is you are voting for.
53 Nicole - Nov 2, 08:54 PM
You said “N” watch out your etiquette is (Not)
Yes sir Massa !!!!
Please dont teach me a lesson.
Now that is way too funny !!!!!!
54 Jimmy Kilpatrick - Nov 3, 02:43 AM
Wadefish fails to understand this fight has never been about kids…it’s about power and control.
55 wadefishin - Nov 3, 08:43 PM
only in your and a few other’s minds…
56 Cheryl Hill - Nov 3, 10:42 PM
Unfortunately, what Jimmy says is true.
Several years ago, I was horrified whenever a former FBISD administrator stated to me in a private conversation that: “Education is not about the Kids. It never has been.”
This administrator and I were professional friends, however, he wanted me to come out of my naive way of thinking and know the cold hard facts as they are/were—-“Education is not about the kids.”
This information just came into my e-mail box and I thought I should share it with you all. As ususal I would always ck other sources for confirmation, but it is very compelling read:
Fort Bend ISD Bond Referendum
The Facts you will not hear from FBISD Operatives
We didn’t live here then, so what happened with the 2003 Bond?
After the initial failure in May of 2003, the total amount was lowered and passed in a special election in November of 2003!
Did they use all the Money?
Not Yet! They insist they will use all of the approximately 176 Million Dollars by 2008!
So how much of the 2003 bond is going to be left over?
One estimate is approximately 100 Million Dollars! But that is yet to be confirmed.
If they have so much money why do they need so much now and then again in 2010?
Because the developers will continue building “Planned Communities” and these new people will need new schools
Will passing the bond affect the Maintenance and Operations part of the budget from which my salary as a teacher comes?
Yes. There is only so much money to spend. If there is a cap, and our District does, and the bond funds take up more than their share of the capped amount then the excess will come out of the M&O portion. If this were to happen it would have a direct effect on teachers salaries.
I see “Pro Bond” ads everywhere, who are these people advertising for the “School Board” to get this bond passed?
Large Corporations that are directly involved in establishing, building and selling homes in these “Master Planned Communities” Vendors of FBISD - Wealthy Business Leaders - Local Chamber of Commerce - Politicians - Please Note, The multi page color information packages distributed by FBISD are considered “INFORMATION PACKAGES” and should not be read as a pro-bond package. According to FBISD officials it is for your information only and is NOT a “Pro Bond” advertisement. See link for example of these advertisements - - How many individuals in the picture can you relate to? Were you invited to their Christmas party? Granddaughter’s wedding? Do you have any of them on speed dial? Ask yourself this: Why are they supporting this bond?
Why is my “Homeowners Association” sending e mails and pushing this bond?
Well we all love and respect our local HOA and I’m absolutely positive they have OUR best interest in mind and I’m sure they would not do anything at all that would hurt the homeowners. They are here to serve and protect us at all times. They are definitely neutral and would not align themselves with anyone that would harm the homeowners they Serve and Protect! If your HOA is engaging in politics they may be violating their 501.3C status and should be reported to the Secretary of State as well as the IRS immediately.
What about the mortgage crisis, foreclosures and a weak economy?
FBISD officials insist our district will not be effected by any of this and for us not to worry about unused bonds. See link and article below for report on home sales in Houston area.
Didn’t they sell 108 million in bonds in August 2006, when they knew they would not spend it all?
Yes they did!
So we have to pay higher taxes to pay off bonds they did not need, but sold anyway?
Yes we do!
How much money does FBISD actually have in the bank in all the various accounts?
Several Hundred Million Dollars in various trusts, escrow accounts, funds and operating accounts.
Is it true that over 100 Million Dollars was placed in a “Trust” account of some kind?
FBISD insists the answer is "yes and no, depending on who you ask. "
I heard that school systems received money from the feds. How much did FBISD receive last year?
FBISD received approximately 116 Million Dollars from sources that they DID NOT REPORT on their budget or financial statements. See
Is that legal?
Apparently it is!
Did FBISD lower “Debt Service” tax as a result of this “Defeased” debt?
We are still seeking the answer to that question, however it looks like NO!
With the TAKS scores so low why are we wasting money on gorgeous buildings and less on teachers and books?
To attract all those new people to “Planned Developments” and join our tax rolls. The public should note that prior to about 1998, public school districts built schools AFTER the population was there to support another school.. Students would be bussed to the closest school until facilities could be added to or new ones built. Then came “PLANNED COMMUNITIES”! Movers and shakers realized there was money to be made and began the process of fleecing taxpayers out of every penny possible. I just bet your Real Estate Agent took you right by the “Great Schools” and they’re right in the neighborhood! And when your child enrolls, they may still be at 40% capacity. New building, full of teachers, AC, Heat, and less than half full, while across town, there’s a school that is so overcrowded they cannot get quality teachers. These conditions have a direct effect on student’s ability to learn. Taxes are high, conditions are unacceptable and they want you to think building a new school will relieve overcrowding and solve all the District’s problems. If you truly believe that, you should vote your conscience. Giving money to someone with an addictive personality will not heal their illness. As government gets bigger, their addiction to tax dollars grows accordingly. They are addicted to our money. It’s time they rehabilitate themselves and learn to live with less. Much like we have to do when we find we have too much month left at the end of the money.
We are disgusted with fighting the Appraisal District every year. Our neighbor put their house on the market eight months ago; why has it not sold if so many people are moving here?
The “Planned Communities” along with the “Foreclosures” in our area are making it difficult to sell “Pre Owned” homes. In the Houston Chronicle story that ran October 18, 2007 it states: “Single-family home sales in the Houston area fell 15 percent in September.”
I still wonder why vendors and businesses support the bond. Don’t they pay taxes too?
Yes they do, but with an annual budget of over 500 Million Dollars, many of them depend on FBISD to support their business. And 500 Million Dollars buys a lot of support.
What can I do as a parent, homeowner and taxpayer to help straighten out this mess?
Good question. First vote against this bond. Then support the efforts of those seeking accountability from FBISD, transparency with BOT decisions and FBISD finances. Support SINGLE MEMBER DISTRICTS! Take a stand against cronyism and contact the Texas State Board of Education and insist on Federal and State Audits to eliminate conflicts of interest, malfeasance, conspiracy and fraudulent or “Creative Accounting” that waste tax dollars and line the pockets of people posing as honest citizens. Then insist on indictments on any person or persons guilty of prosecutable offenses that are not beyond the Statute of Limitations. Next, if you or someone you know is honest, intelligent, stands on principle and cares about academic education of children, consider running for the school board.
Oct. 18, 2007, 12:02PM
Slump in Houston home sales spreads
Decline widens to higher-priced houses, bringing biggest drop in more than 10 years
The local housing market got slammed last month, posting its biggest drop in sales in more than a decade.Single-family home sales in the Houston area fell 15 percent in September as the real estate slump spread to higher-priced homes, the Houston Association of Realtors reported Tuesday.
While previous declines were contained mostly to homes priced between $80,000 and $150,000 — a range highly affected by tighter lending standards — the slowdown is now affecting sales of more expensive properties dependent on move-up buyers selling their lower-priced homes. "There is a delay in terms of folks moving here that have a home to sell," said Tim Welbes, co-president of The Woodlands Development Co.
But even as some industry watchers predict that local housing conditions are going to get worse, Houston is holding up much better than other parts of the country. From a historical perspective, home sales and prices last month were ahead of 2005, according to the real estate association. Realtors sold 5,061 single-family homes during September — most of which were used, but some new. And the inventory of homes on the market relative to the number of sales is still well below the 10-year average. Still, the number of homes listed for sale continues to rise. "It's pulling back a little bit, but it's definitely not collapsing," said Will Holder, president of Trendmaker Homes, whose sales for 2007 will be about the same as they were two years ago.
Houston economist Barton Smith calls the cooling off in sales "a corrective process" that will last through next summer. Part of that correction involves the so-called "resetting" of adjustable-rate mortgages. These types of loans that proliferated during the housing boom have low initial interest rates that go up, or reset, after a period of time. Holders of these mortgages can find themselves unable to handle the higher payments and end up in default. Nationally, about $40 billion in mortgages were resetting every month during the summer. In March, that number will peak at about $110 billion, said Smith, director of the Institute for Regional Forecasting at the University of Houston .
The situation has led national policymakers to make bold statements about the housing market's impact. In a speech to Georgetown University's law school Tuesday, U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said the housing correction will continue to "adversely impact" the U.S. economy, capital markets and many homeowners..
200,000 jobs lost
Employment in residential building, including specialty trade contractors, has dropped by almost 200,000 since early 2006, offsetting about one-quarter of the jobs gained in the housing boom, he explained. "The housing decline is still unfolding, and I view it as the most significant current risk to our economy," he said, while calling for changes in mortgage lending laws.
As far as the Houston economy, Smith said the impact will be modest. Employment in the residential construction sector will weaken, but some of it will be counterbalanced by commercial construction. And home prices here have been holding steady, unlike other housing markets where prices soared and are now falling. Houston's median single-family home price — the number at which half the homes sold for more and half for less — was $150,500, a slight increase over September 2006.
But some of the September statistics show the slowdown continuing. The number of pending sales at the end of last month — those expected to close this month — were down 11 percent, compared with the same month last year, according to the realty association. It's also taking longer to sell a house — an average of 79 days last month, up from 73 days in September 2006.
Jim Glaser and his wife, Jeanette Liang, have had their 104-year-old, completely restored Victorian/Craftsman home in Woodland Heights on the market for more than two months. But Glaser, 54, who is retired and moving to Colorado , doesn't have to sell the 3,200-square-foot, four-bedroom house by a certain date, and he won't consider dropping the $779,000 asking price because he's confident about the local market. He owns a two-bedroom rental house nearby that went under contract after just 10 days and is set to close soon. "We just had a big open house on Sunday, and it was jam-packed," Glaser said of the Victorian.. "This is a historic house, and it's got to be the right kind of buyer."
While September is traditionally slow for sales, tougher credit requirements stemming from a rash of subprime loan defaults continue to make it difficult for some buyers to qualify for loans. "By the end of the year, I think you'll see more decreases in price," said Shad Bogany, of the realty firm ERA Bogany Properties.
Sales vary by area
But Houston 's market is wide and segmented. While prices may fall in neighborhoods with an oversupply of homes, not all areas are affected. "You don't have a softening market in certain price ranges because you don't have a glut of inventory," said Robin Mueck, president and CEO of Heritage Texas Properties. Mueck said homes inside Loop 610, north of The Woodlands, near the Texas Medical Center and in Memorial continue to be in high demand. Sales have fallen on new homes, as well, and are expected to be down about 20 percent this year.
Found these on the GISD site related to the FBISD lawfirm that sent a demand letter to them (GISDWatchDogs) recently in this potential SLAPP-suit:
FBISD Sister Site Comes to our Defense!!
Written by Administrator
Saturday, 03 November 2007
FBISD (Fort Bend ISD) Watch Dogs have sent us a letter of support and have posted a great column on their blog: FBISD Watch Dogs
According to them, GISDWATCH has been SLAPPED!
FBISD also enjoys the legal expertise of Feldman & Rogers!
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shchph - Texas: Proposed Statutes Registered | 11-03-2007 20:43:24
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shchph - SLAPP-ed Around Registered | 11-03-2007 20:44:01
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apappous Registered | 11-03-2007 20:50:51
Feldman & Rogers is also the constitutional counsel to Jugo Chavez.... Or at least they do a great imitation of one.....
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FBISDWatch - Articles-- Unregistered | 11-04-2007 07:40:35
One of the most famous SLAPPs is the Oprah Winfrey SLAPP by the TX cattle industry. The bills you listed to protect consumers/voters from SLAPPs were defeated by powerful industry lobbys (lawyers, developers, other). These tactics are common-place now. One recently took place in Bay City.
Get the word out and lets organize against this.
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Mediator Unregistered | 11-04-2007 08:09:33
GISD does not the finances to complete the projects promised by the last bond issue. The board has seen fit to take money from the "mouths of babes" to finanace an harassment package against a web site that is asking too many questions. Sounds to me like some board members should be investigated by the district attorney. Also, complaints need to be sent to the Texas BAR concerning GISD attorneys who are violating the rights of private citizens. BY THE WAY, DOES THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY EVER READ THE GCN?
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Anon - Here we go again-- Unregistered | 11-04-2007 11:34:07
Before attempting to bring in the DA you want to check and see if there are any linkages between these two bodies via campaign finance disclosures, etc. Usually DAs are very much in the pocket of pwerful special interest groups/corporations that have a vested interest in the impact open forums like this have on school districts and surrounding communities. The old saying "too much free speech is a bad thing" seems to be the motto these days.
Don't try to involve him/her if they are connected with the "insiders". I would contact the FBI or Justice Dept. if you can expose violations of federal law. Believe me school districts are all taking federal money these days. You also might want to contact the local ACLU and get them involved quickly. Then publicize, publicize, publicize and then vote, vote, vote these people off the BOT and replace the vendors....yes you can do something, but think outside the box (because in this case the BOX is your enemy)....what's amazing about all this is the fact that we pay them to do this to us
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RCM - No problem with DA Unregistered | 11-04-2007 13:33:32
I have no doubt whatsoever that the Galveston DA is completely above board on such matters. He is highly regarded as an individual who reasonably and fairly apllies the power of his office.
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anon - where to send donation Unregistered | 11-04-2007 13:49:07
You also need an address for anonymous donations for those of us who work for these people.
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Jim - Donations Address Unregistered | 11-04-2007 15:08:11
There is an address to send donations under the DONATE button on the left hand menu.
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Phyllis - Parent Advocate Unregistered | 11-04-2007 14:30:38
Good for you!
We need more strong groups like yours that are not afraid to stand up to the school districts and all the corruption.
They are a bunch of bullies and by them threatning to sue you just proves that even more.
all i can say is simply amazing!
It sure was good to see the local teacher/employee association not endorse the special interest bond proposal! Thank you for staying informed.
Check this out:
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