This just into FBISDWatch:
Until last week it appeared the public relations efforts of the FBISD communication office (and their local affiliates) were keeping the bond promotions within the existing TEC (Texas Education Code) through standard mail-outs with information of what the bond proposal contained. Of course these communications do not mention that state law does not require the proposal, once approved by voters, to be followed. In our opinion a BOT policy could easily address this by requiring all changes to bonds go through public scrutiny via hearings or referendum. This currently is not the case as has been pointed out in recent news and media releases.
This lack of accountability and poor representation can lead to potential bond conflicts as may be the case with the recent signage showing up in east Fort Bend ISD areas. The signs state simply VOTE YES on the FBISD 2007 bond. Several sources looked into this for FBISDWatch, because this simple sign may be in violation of the Texas Education Code (TEC) if employees of the district are involved. FBISDWatch affiliates have traced the signage to a committee which includes members of the Fort Bend County Economic Development Council (GFBEDC) and the Fort Bend ISD Education Foundation (FBEF). These organizations have district vendor members, which may present a potential conflict in and of itself. The FBEF is housed in offices paid for by the school district.
The superintendent of FBISD, Dr. Jenney, has a membership on the GFBEDC. Further, one of the managers of the FBEF is a spouse of a FBISD board of trustee member. The committee with this membership promoting the 2007 FBISD record bond may appear to be a conflict of interest and could present a possible violation of the TEC laws prohibiting such activity.
We will update this story as more information comes in...
2009 FBISD Tax Hearing (On YouTube)
CLICK HERE FOR THE 2009 FBISD CONTROVERSIAL TAX HEARING (YES THEY ARE RAISING THEM AGAIN--see petition of over 500 district taxpayers asking for board accountability)
--In case anyone missed it they raised the property tax rate again (4th time) in 2010 and more than likely will do so again in 2011 facing another projected 15-20 million dollar budget deficit, according to some media reports.
***NEW*** ..Petition TO STOP THE GSTC (Global Science Museum being planned at the district central office--near $30 million dollar project that superintendent Jenney is pushing): (see update below on this apparently ending this project after 2 years)
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Related bond posts:
7 Nicole - Oct 28, 07:53 PM
It seems that the one that made calls to the superintendent of HISD regarding Mr. Pinnock and the one that made calls to FBISD superintendent regarding Cheryl Hill has finally come out of the closet, we knew that you were hiding in there anyway. Is there something else that we should know J willa ?
8 Teacher - Oct 28, 08:27 PM
jwilliamson #5,
I’m sure Mr. Pinnock has a lunch or breaks in his school day, just like the rest of us. You, Mr. Williamson, bring nothing to the table in any of these discussions. You obviously have political agendas you are trying to promote, as evidenced from previous posts on this website. You have chosen to be part of the problem instead of part of the solution. Congratulations.
9 j williamson - Oct 29, 08:49 AM
What is your solution?
10 K D Tunstall - Oct 29, 09:29 AM
Hey j williamson….do you desire the phone number to my employer so you can complain about me posting during working hours as well?
11 j williamson - Oct 29, 09:40 AM
Yea. Go ahead and post it.
12 chris - Oct 29, 09:41 AM
I want JWs employers phone number so I can say hello too. . . ;-}
13 theydrewfirstblood - Oct 29, 11:01 AM
KD – Are you being paid with my tax dollars? (#10)
14 K D Tunstall - Oct 29, 11:23 AM
Hit my web site, it is posted.
Be aware, if you call, your number will be logged and your the conversation recorded.
Care to reciprocate? Or… you only complain when you can remain anonymous?
Internet stalking is a crime.
15 chris - Oct 29, 12:03 PM
Ah the networks are showing their face here in this thread. Very telling. Thanks for chiming in!
The point is that trying to threaten someones job because you don’t agree with their posts is beyond contempt and sounds an awful lot like internet stalking….do you know what has been going on behind the scenes TDFB? Much more than just calling employers.
This is a great thread for smoking out the mice…. ;-)
16 K D Tunstall - Oct 29, 02:10 PM
13 theydrewfirstblood –
KD – Are you being paid with my tax dollars? (#10)
Quite frankly, it isn’t any of your business.
Are you suggesting that you live in Harris County? If so….you should be more concerned with your own back yard instead of messing up ours.
17 theydrewfirstblood - Oct 29, 02:25 PM
Chris – You are correct. I have no way of knowing anything about what you are implying.
I don’t agree with a lot of what is posted here, but I defend the rights of the people that post. Everyone is entitled to an opinion.
All I know is that I don’t like people squandering my tax dollars.
18 wadefishin - Oct 29, 02:58 PM
and the black helos fly over…....
19 chris - Oct 29, 04:18 PM
“All I know is that I don’t like people squandering my tax dollars.”
I agree with you 100% on that TDFB. Better keep an eye on the bonds (all bonds) then this election period. This is the end around when items on operational budgets are moved to long-term debt….
20 TexasRose - Oct 29, 06:37 PM
“and the black helos fly over…..” ~ Wade
Hilos, Hawaii? =)
Cheers to FBISD!
May your “bond” find the everlasting peace it deserves!
21 Nicole - Oct 29, 07:54 PM
j williamson
You seem like a great little puppy dog that barks often and wags its tail when given a treat.
Was the phone calls that were placed to employers a part of your attempt to silence the opposition ?
Did you not know that most companies have caller ID on every company phone.
You really need to wake up and smell the coffee and get your head out of those developers rear as___.
22 K D Tunstall - Oct 29, 07:56 PM
May your “bond” find the everlasting peace it deserves!
Gotta bury it first TR. Once this is over perhaps I’ll come fight along with you guys on the 99 debacle.
23 chris - Oct 29, 08:19 PM
Thanks TR. Hopefully voters will see what is going on and respond. If not the district has promised to come back for more in 2-3 years and we can better prepare and organize for improved representation and better accountability.
24 Cheryl Hill - Oct 30, 05:58 AM
Thanks, I did not know that I was being stalked.
25 Nicole - Oct 30, 09:35 AM
You are more than welcome. Stalking is on an all time high making it’s way through Fort Bend County all the way through Houston.
I felt that you and everyone else should know what was being done and discussed by a group of morons that would go to great lengths to see that this bond proposal is passed, and we all know deep down inside that this fight is not to benefit our children, but to benefit a number of special interest pocket books.
The only ones that will end up short changed is the citizens.
26 chris - Oct 30, 11:03 AM
“but to benefit a number of special interest pocket books.
The only ones that will end up short changed is the citizens.”
Following the money trail on all bonds is essential to tracking the business and political networks at play. Yes we have stepped on some toes and members are paying the price, but we are only bloodied not bowed and the amount of e-mails and phone calls coming in has been very encouraging.
Just remember there is no profit motive in our support of improved bond accountability (through adoption of single-member districts and bond culpability).
Keep your heads held high and get to the polls. It does no good to stay at home and sit on your hands. FBISDWatch members have been receiving some malefic calls from district officials and affiliates, but the positive calls and contacts far outweigh the harassment.
Keep up the good work. It is just beginning!
27 fortbendpractical - Oct 31, 08:24 AM
I have just returned to our great country and it brings me much pleasure to see that we have a site that is worth reading and reports on critical issues that are perplexing our tattering school district. As I posted before…we need more accountability and you can’t stand on the doorstep of mediocrity and expect to get in the DOOR...
My applause!
28 chris - Oct 31, 10:30 AM
I find the endorsements of the record bond by edc members and officials (some elected receiving regular campaign financial support from their membership) very interesting considering some of those large engineering, legal and development companies will benefit on both ends of the bond issuance (but debt for the rest of us). Of course this isn’t surprising. Are they asking the questions about accountability and better representation? Are they seeking land kick-in from the large Houston development companies who need these schools in their communities to sell homes and property? Is our current BOT and administration addressing these concerns? No, but they are getting all the “right” endorsements…
This seems to reinforce former BOT member Ms. McGarr’s earlier post here at:
29 TexasRose - Oct 31, 10:45 AM
Chris/KD ~
“Keep your heads held high and get to the polls. It does no good to stay at home and sit on your hands.”
I elect ya’ll PR spokespeople(s) of the year! =)
30 K D Tunstall - Oct 31, 01:55 PM
I’m not a spokesperson ….just a taxpayer.
I wanted to check in and let you all know that I voted no on this issue.
I live in Quail Valley and just received a notice from Quail Valley Proud saying to support the bond. Just thought you all should hear it.
PS-I voted against it.
Did you all see this in Fort Bend
Vocal FBISD Bond Critics Hit In Bank Scam They Say Was Meant To Send A Message
by Bob Dunn, Nov 01, 2007, 02 20 PM
Kevin Tunstall and Noel Pinnock both live in Missouri City, both ran unsuccessfully for public office in the last election, and both have been vocal opponents of Fort Bend Independent School District’s proposed $428 million bond referendum.
Now, Tunstall and Pinnock have something else in common. Within the past week, they say, someone in Austin found a way to make fraudulent withdrawals from both men’s bank accounts.
The two say they are certain the action was taken by political opponents, although they acknowledge they have no hard evidence.
Pinnock, a Houston ISD program manager who ran for Fort Bend ISD school board, said records from his Wells Fargo account show someone, apparently using a “replica” of his debit card and his personal pin number, withdrew $203.45 from his account on Oct. 26; $203.95 on Oct. 27, and $201.45 on Oct. 28.
Tunstall, majority owner of Stafford’s HealthXpress LLC and chairman of the county Libertarian Party who ran for Missouri City Council, said records from his Amegy Bank account show someone used what appeared to be his debit card and pin number to make two withdrawals of $203.95 on Oct. 26, and two more withdrawals of $203.95 on Oct. 29.
Pinnock and Tunstall say the withdrawals were made from ATM machines in Austin, while the two men were hundreds of miles away in the Fort Bend County area.
Pinnock said he was sitting in a Houston restaurant Friday night “and I had my (debit) card in my pocket when they were in Austin using my bank card and my pin code.”
“It was obviously done to send me a message to back off” from his outspoken opposition to the Fort Bend ISD bond issue, Tunstall said Thursday. “But you know what? All it has done is galvenized my resolve.”
However, he added, “my wife is scared. She’s really sick of this. She really does want to pack up and leave.”
“I think that we’ve got a corporate fraud or scandal on our hands,” Pinnock said. “I know it has everything to do with my political stance. I’m just afraid it happens to too many peope and they back down. And that’s not going to happen with me.”
Pinnock said the unauthorized bank withdrawals will be investigated, adding, “we’re going to take it to the highest levels that we possibly can. I think it’s blatant terrorism on a citizen, when you mess with people’s money.”
Ironically, Pinnock believes money is the motivation for the bank fraud incident, in the form of the millions of dollars that school district vendors stand to make if the bond passes – or not make if it fails.
Last week, FortBendNow published a letter to the editor from Pinnock in which Pinnock touted a new web site created by a group calling itself FBISD WatchDogs, which has come out against the Fort Bend ISD bond issue.
Tunstall has stated his opposition to the bond issue numerous times in editorial comments appearing with bond-related news articles in FortBendNow.
Both men said they believe political opponents are behind the bank thefts, but neither would publicly identify those opponents they may suspect.
“It’s definitely bond-related, and our opposition to the bonds and the fact that we spoke out against the corporate welfare that exists,” Tunstall said. “If identity theft happens to one political candidate and outspoken critic, it’s a coincidence. If it happens to two of them, it’s a conspiracy.”
“These guys are all in bed together,” he added. “Who knows where this will end up? I’m waiting for the dead animals to start showing up in my yard.”
FBN related comments to the bank scam:
1 Chris D. Calvin, Ph.D. - Nov 1, 03:05 PM
I would have to agree. Another member of the fbisdwatch committee for improved bond accountability received a potentially harassing phone call from an affiliate of one of the BOT members, telling him to “back off” just over a week ago.
How many times have we seen this on the local level. Not long ago a MUD board president shared a similar story with me when they were opposing a unpopular project in their community that would need their approval and MUD bond expenditures. It’s a very nasty game being played here and neither of these involved families deserve this treatment. What started out as just a few questions at an open bond sales pitch for the bond has grown into out-right opposition from voters and taxpayers that originally didn’t have an opinion on the record bond/debt. Now we see possible retribution by who knows!
Should voters/taxpayers get involved? I still say yes, because the real fight is just beginning! I would sure hope if anyone has additional information about this that they WILL contact the authorities!
Get out people and get involved. They can’t continue actions like this if more of us stand-up together to be counted.
Get out and VOTE!
2 intheknow - Nov 1, 04:39 PM
Can you say PARANOID? Give me a break.
3 disaffected - Nov 1, 04:48 PM
What proof can either of these men offer? They make accusations based upon their gut feelings? We are expected to believe that Fort Bend is home to Kremlin style power bosses with the ability to tap into bank accounts with impunity? If this so, the FBI should descend immediately and these mafia dons/political operatives should be arrested. Otherwise, it sounds much like irrational paranoia and self-absorption akin to Hillary’s vast right wing conspiracy.
My bet is on the latter.
4 K D Tunstall - Nov 1, 05:02 PM
ITK – do you support criminal actions? Please be clear.
diss – do you support criminal activity as well?
5 chris - Nov 1, 05:13 PM
Disaffected, ITK look like the typical PR group trying to put their own spin on this. My question to them is your assuming things with even less data than the victims, why?
You both have come-out in favor of the special interests so why is your tone, posture in this not surprising? I’m glad these voters/taxpayers have exposed this and haven’t let it shake them. I hope more speak up! Thanks you two (Pinnock & Tunstall).
Why don’t you two post in the open if you feel so strongly? (ITK, & Dis) Isn’t one of you a former SOS member???
6 green - Nov 1, 05:18 PM
Darn, somebody used my husband’s identification last year. I bet it was Tom DeLay’s minions.
7 disaffected - Nov 1, 05:19 PM
Obviously, Mr. Tunstall and Mr. Pinnock have been victims of a criminal act. However, it is quite a leap to say that that criminal activity is related to their political activities and that it was done by or on behalf of their political opponents. They offer no proof whatsoever to support this leap of logic.
BTW- I cannot remember “intheknow” and I agreeing on much of anything.
8 Jeff Daiell - Nov 1, 05:29 PM
Three members of the anti-bond committee all are subject to harassment. That makes the ‘coincidence’ theory the ‘irrational’ approach. — Jeff Daiell
9 Nicole - Nov 1, 05:30 PM
Greedy, Low Down, Dirty, Rotten Dogs.
Suprise, Suprise, Isnt it great to see disaffected, (who currently serves on the FBISD board) and the in the know nothing jump to suspicion.
Did it ever occur to you that if Bob Dunn took time out to gather information on this story that he did a check on it’s validity.
However, what is unusual is that these two never agree on anything, now they finally find a reason to agree. Could it be criminal minds that think alike?
What a sick way to finally come together.
Although, neither of them owe you or anyone else any explanation, but if you want to keep watching, please stay tuned.
For everyone else that wants the truth, isn’t it a coincidence that both men had their bank accounts hit within the same time periods, for the same amount of money both in the city of Austin Texas, when they both were in Houston.
I guess they meant to scare you guys…..
Now isnt that a joke….
Did they expect you guys to give in? Do they not understand that this is only fuel to your fire. I know it would be for me.
It is funny to see how the tables continue to turn on them, they are so exposed and do not even know it.
There is an old saying that says every dog has it’s day, and those that are hiding behind the mask, your day is coming.
10 Anonymous - Nov 1, 05:36 PM
I read this article with amazement and amusement at the same time. And, then to see KD ask people of they support criminal actions is truly laughable. I am sorry these two folks got robbed. Fortunately for them, if they are with a good bank, all of this money will be restored. In the meantime, I wish they would back their ridiculous accusations about local officials with real, substantiated evidence or back off. At some point, they have crossed a line. Frankly, I am tired of hearing these grand conspiracy stories.
11 T Norwood - Nov 1, 05:38 PM
Yes dis, Fort Bend is home to Kremlin style power bosses with the ability to tap into bank accounts with immunity.
And Tom DeLay is their leader.
12 Chris - Nov 1, 05:46 PM
When did you two join forces?
13 rcocheu - Nov 1, 06:14 PM
Simply amazing. This sounds like total self-absorbtion. I am extremely sorry for both gentlemen and their families but please.
Before the “flame” responses start let me clarify my position on the bond issue. Voters are between a rock and a hard place. We NEED new schools, however, I very much need to see more accountability from the board and administration. I just do not know if we can afford to deny the bond and wait.
14 Fred Drew - Nov 1, 06:19 PM
I live in the Rio Grande Valley and perhaps you will remember our ISD money problems and our missing $21m at the port. We have seen first hand the extent that the elite politicos will go to protect their golden goose. Extortion is the least to worry about. Power is a dangerous ingredient it makes great people crooks. The idea that this could be a warning is not unlikely as I have learned in 30 years of law enforcement.
15 Joe Garland - Nov 1, 06:23 PM
If someone actully went into these guys bank accounts to get attention, this is a very low spot to go. Messing with someone’s finances is the lowest of the low.
When the light is shown into darkness the darkness always shys away and it seems that is what is going on here.
I support Kevin Tunstall and Noel Pinnock and hope only for the best for these two.
16 chris - Nov 1, 06:33 PM
“ In the meantime, I wish they would back their ridiculous accusations about local officials with real, substantiated evidence or back off. “
Share more with us Anonymous. I’m fascinated by your perspective on all this and your claim that “they should back off”. Why if they are telling the TRUTH. We’ve seen the documents and not received answers to the questions from officials. Now I suppose my accts. will come under attack, bring it on!
The truth hurts!
17 wadefishin - Nov 1, 06:43 PM
you got it, this is better than any sitcom…..hahaha
18 Nicole - Nov 1, 06:49 PM
We find it to be pretty hilarious as well.
Just to think of such ignorance behind the cause makes me chuckle.
And for the record, there is no one making you read anything posted here, for that is your choice.
But one would assume that you must enjoy it because you keep coming back for more.
The games that people play….
Get on with your life,
and find a reason to do so.
19 disaffected - Nov 1, 06:50 PM
I will tell you once again that I do not serve on the FBISD BOT. I know that ruins your conspiracy theory, but it is a fact nevertheless. Further, Chris, I have NEVER come out in favor of “special interests.” I have been a consistent critic of developers and outside vendors who pour huge amounts into the campaign coffers of local politicians.
Pray tell, please explain the mechanics of how you think this so-called conspiracy worked? Provide just one tiny bit of evidence incriminating someone rather than claiming that the coincidence of two Fort Bend residents were both victims of crime requires a vast evil conspiracy.
20 fortbendpractical - Nov 1, 08:07 PM
I guess it is a major coincidence...yeah right…the writing is on the wall…fancy seeing dis and itk comment…the culprits should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Here's something you all might appreciate:
Someone posted a anti-bond poster on our community bulletin board. Was that you all?
The HOA in our Mo-Cty neighborhood has been telling us to vote for the bond. Is that legal for them to do that?
The article under the GISD slapp has a link to one of the papers. I like this quote
“People are very tired of what this type of government is doing,” Tetley said. “They are using our money to silence us.”
Tetley is right. She's paying for them to monitor her site and possibly sue her. It's outrageous. She should cross-file for harassment, civil rights violations, abuse of process, abuse of power, frivolous lawsuit. These intimidation tactics need constant exposure. Put this in front of a jury and I can guarantee you that board will eventually be voted out!
No, if an HOA becomes embroiled in local races the membership should report them for possible violations of their non-profit corporation charter to the secretary of state and for potential violation of their np status to the IRS. I think you can do it online.
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