2009 FBISD Tax Hearing (On YouTube)

CLICK HERE FOR THE 2009 FBISD CONTROVERSIAL TAX HEARING (YES THEY ARE RAISING THEM AGAIN--see petition of over 500 district taxpayers asking for board accountability) --In case anyone missed it they raised the property tax rate again (4th time) in 2010 and more than likely will do so again in 2011 facing another projected 15-20 million dollar budget deficit, according to some media reports. ***NEW*** ..Petition TO STOP THE GSTC (Global Science Museum being planned at the district central office--near $30 million dollar project that superintendent Jenney is pushing): http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/stopthegcst/ (see update below on this apparently ending this project after 2 years)

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Chron: "Fair and equitable" -- FBISD officials and students differ in views

"Fair and equitable" -- FBISD officials and students differ in views

In a time of rapid shift in values and priorities of the younger generation, it tickles me each time to see boys and girls tell you how much they enjoy school, labs, athletic practices, band rehearsals and time with their teachers and coaches.

One of the things that has made my experience of covering the Fort Bend school district rewarding and exciting is my frequent encounters with such a collective desire in the students of the district - in addition to the intriguing politics in which the district's adults often get themselves entangled.

To say I was tickled is an understatement. I was actually moved and inspired.

I was moved and inspired to see so many ice-hockey playing kids showing up before the school board time and again for two years begging the trustees and the administration for a club status for their team.

I was moved and inspired to see Hightower kids repeatedly pleading with school officials for not doing away with their block schedule so they won't lose their treasured field learning opportunities at, say, the Texas Medical Center.

And Monday night, I was moved and inspired by youngsters who jam-packed the board room to urge the district not to phase out an electronic engineering academy at Marshall High and not to get rid of a coach's position for the marching band at Austin High. . . . (get the full piece at: http://blogs.chron.com/fortbend/archives/2008/04/post_8.html)

Monday, April 28, 2008

MC Mayoral Candidates Spar Over Development, Hospitals & Schools...(Poats vs. Owen)

FBN: Q&A For MC Mayoral Election Candidates

Early voting for the May 10 election began today, and in Missouri City current mayor Allen Owen is running for a second time against challenger Greyling Poats. FortBendNow.com submitted questions to each candidate, and their answers are as follows.

What do you think are the top three priorities for Missouri City in the next five years?


My top 3 prior (sic) ties over the next 3 years is to make sure our citizens have a safe place to call home, protect our environment and natural resources, and continue to attract new sales tax revenue so we can begin to replace property taxes with the only other source we have left-sales taxes. We are doing that with all of the new projects mentioned above that are already on the drawing boards and are working as we go to press.


1. Business on Texas Parkway, Cartwright Road and FM 1092 should be the primary concern. The improvement of those areas and the subdivisions attaching these thoroughfares should be a major focal point of the City Manager, Economic Development Coordinator and Council. Federal, State and Local monies along with private developers should come into play not only for curb appeal but for the enhancement of the quality of life for all of Missouri City. The challenge of government is not only to maintain the quality of life for all of its citizens but to improve that quality of life.

2. A well planned economic development plan is also a major concern for the City of Missouri City. While the current administration marvels over Ben E. Keith, Trammel Crowe and Global technical, they haven’t detailed the entire story. Based off a survey completed by a development company, one can deduce that Missouri City has a highly educated, employed and diverse population. The residents are not looking for jobs, but rather an enhancement of current career opportunities. The social economics of the city in general are poor. The lack of interaction and opportunities generally provided by business is virtually non-existent for young people in most areas of the city. Children, not adults in Missouri City, need jobs to learn employment skills and establish discipline which can lead them to careers which will allow them to become productive members of society. The current administration fails in working with citizens and current businesses; and, they have not given any projection on tax revenues for new businesses after the tax exemptions which have been given to new corporate citizens. A focused economic development plan would assist in attracting the types of businesses which would benefit the citizens of Missouri City.

3. Serving all neighborhoods within the corporate city limits is a key issue that council currently does not respond to. Council is oblivious to crime in the certain areas of the City. Council has failed to address the need to provide sidewalks for children walking to school and stoplights for critical intersections where residents have concerns. Council fails the children who walk along bridges which provide no protection. The council neglects the safety of our children on areas where there is a high concentration of pedophiles. Council fails in addressing the vacant commercial property and dilapidated structures on Texas Parkway, Cartwright Road and Fm 1092. Missouri City also does not have a hospital or doctor’s clinic. I firmly believe that the current mayor and council’s lack of leadership and direction is the reason for the decline of Missouri City. Many of these concerns could be addressed by being attentive to the residents of the city. A primary focus on those areas within the City limits would allow the city to address many of these issues. Additionally, there is a need to focus on attracting certain kinds of businesses to Missouri City while at the same time working with those businesses currently located within the city limits to assure that they remain. We continue to loose critical businesses while building structures which are not inhabited. This is not a reflection of a well planned city. It is imperative that we make this a practice so that we can maintain an excellent quality of life for our citizens.

What steps would you like to see the city take regarding those three priorities?


I think we have proven in the past 3-4 years that we are working diligently to do all of the above incentives.


1. After determining where our City funds are, an action plan can be put into place. The current administration is looking at a tax increase of more than thirty dollars per household for the acquisition and improvement of the Quail Valley Country Club. If there is to be a tax increase, those funds would better serve Texas Parkway, Cartwright road and FM 1091. The City in readjusting its budget could do the same thing without a tax increase. This is often necessary when cities have to maintain an aging infrastructure.

2. I would direct the City Planning Department to develop a plan for the enhancement of our entire city in general but being very specific for the timely improvements along Texas Parkway, Cartwright Road and FM 1092. This plan could give tax abatements to those businesses needed in critical areas. It would provide fast track privileges for development needed in critical areas. For those businesses coming to Missouri City, we would provide assistance similar to or greater than our very large neighbor to assure that those businesses find Missouri City an attractive place.

3. Our collaboration with County, State and Federal government entities would push mobility issues regarding Texas Parkway, Cartwright Road and FM 1092. We would change the rural character of certain roads by seeking to add sewers and removing ditches. We would propose that we work with subdivisions regarding the Lexington corridor while making that venture a reality. Having our police department reach out to provide greater service as well as protection to all citizens while eliminating the intimidation that is apparent to law abiding-tax paying citizens would greatly enhance the safety in our community. I would advocate for providing true diversity to City government through our deeds and actions. And finally, focusing on and attaining what the city needs: Hospitals, doctor’s clinics, book stores, arts venues, movie theatres, etc. while providing for the enhancement of a superior quality of life for all Missouri City residents. . .


Thursday, April 24, 2008

Independent Covers FBISD Key Resignation--

FBISD internal auditor quits
Fort Bend ISD’s Internal Auditor Tina Worrel, whose critical internal audit reports highlighted the shortcomings in various departments of the school district in the past, causing a political upheaval, has abruptly quit, for unspecified reasons.

FBISD’s Chief Communications Officer Mary Ann Simpson confirmed on Monday that Worrel resigned on March 24 voluntarily.

Worrel did not elaborate as to why she resigned.

The internal auditor reports to the school board and no successor has been appointed yet.

Asked if board’s audit subcommittee met to terminate or discuss the future of Worrel, Simpson said neither happened.

She denied the suggestion that Worrel and Superintendent Timothy Jenney had disagreement over the time frame for compliance with the internal audit reports. . .(get the full piece at: http://fbindependent.com/default.asp?sourceid=&smenu=1&twindow=&mad=&sdetail=388&wpage=1&skeyword=&sidate=&ccat=&ccatm=&restate=&restatus=&reoption=&retype=&repmin=&repmax=&rebed=&rebath=&subname=&pform=&sc=2531&hn=fbindependent&he=.com)

FBW comment:

An opportunity to speak with Ms. Worrel should prove interesting in regards to this story.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Repost: FISDWatch School Board Candidate Endorsements 2008

FISDWatch School Board Candidate Endorsements 2008

With the school board elections coming up on May 10th FBW has decided to take a position in the forthcoming races. Based on voting records, issues and campaign disclosure statements.

Candidate Summary:

Laurie Caldwell (Missouri City) is currently serving and is seeking re-election to the FBISD school board. She is a small business owner and has worked throughout her last term to reform the board operations.

Stan Magee (Sugar Land) is a former educator and is currently a seated board member. He has maintained his independence on the board in several votes including the all important one involving taxpayer/voter inclusion on key administrative committees, voting against the rest of the boards efforts to reduce access by the public. Mr. Magee has worked to bring about reform and over-sight during his tenure.

Rodrigo Carreon (Fresno/Arcola) is a community activist that has worked tirelessly to monitor and upgrade school accountability in the bonds and strongly supports the concept of single member school districts. He has served on the 2007 bond committee and is a frequent contributor at BOT meetings.

Other related issues during this campaign season include the strong possibility of more special interest candidates being elected to the board. In one potential scenario, if two of the candidates are successful, one subdivision could end up with 3 seated board members over-seeing the taxes, bond distribution and administrative over-sight. This possible outcome places greater emphasis on the need for SMD.

Early voting begins April 28th and runs through May 6th, with election day May 10th. Please get out and vote in your municipal and school board races. . .

Friday, April 18, 2008

Half-Empty Blog Supports Carreon!

"I am therefore a little perplexed at their endorsement of Menendez. Rodrigo Carreon, who opposes Menendez in this open seat that is being vacated by Cynthia Knox, did make it to the forum, as he did when he served on the Board’s bond committee meetings, as he does in nearly every regular school board meeting, as he does in every other kind of meeting in and around the county.

I tend to lean toward Carreon. He may be all over the map when he makes a case, but we all know where his heart is. . .

>This just in from Half-empty regarding the recent FBEF endorsements. We agree 100% with your assessment! Good luck Mr. Carreon!



Important Dates

April 28 - Regular School Board Meeting - 7:00 PM

April 28 - Early voting begins for the May 10 Trustee Election (and area municipal elections)

May 5 - Regular School Board Meeting - 7:00 PM

May 6 - Last day to vote early for the May 10 Trustee Election (and area municipal elections)

May 9 - Student Holiday - Campus Staff Development Day

May 10 - Trustee Election Day (and area municipal elections)

FBISDWatch is endorsing Stan Magee, Laurie Caldwell and Rodrigo Carreon in the school board races and Greyling Poats, Noel Pinnock and Kevin Tunstall in the Missouri City council races.

Visit http://mcelectioninformation.blogspot.com for more on the elections. . .

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Magee Says He Is Still In The BOT Race!

Magee Says He Is Still In School Board Race
by John Pape, FortBendNow

Fort Bend ISD Trustee Stan Magee following his Monday night announcement that he was not “actively seeking re-election” to his Position 1 seat. In a Tuesday interview with Fort Bend Now, Magee stressed that his announcement does not mean is no longer an active candidate, and is looking forward to continuing to serve on the school board.
On the heels of his statement at Monday night’s Fort Bend ISD board meeting that he was not “actively seeking” re-election to his Position 1 seat, Trustee Stan Magee clarified his announcement today, saying he was still an active candidate for re-election.

Magee said he had made a decision that new personal commitments in his life and commitments to his family needed to take precedence over candidate forums and debates, and that was what he meant when he said he was not “actively seeking the Position 1 re-election.” He also said that voters know where he stands on issues and how strong his commitment is to the staff and students in Fort Bend ISD schools.

“The voters know who I am and what I stand for,” Magee said Tuesday afternoon. “They understand that, as far as I’m concerned, the whole school district revolves around the students and the teachers.” . . .(get the full story at: http://www.fortbendnow.com/pages/full_story?article-Magee-Says-He-Is-Still-In-School-Board-Race%20=&page_label=home&id=57987-Magee-Says-He-Is-Still-In-School-Board-Race&widget=push&instance=home_news_lead_story&open=&)

FBN: Gary Says FBISD Representative Unresponsive To Safety Concerns!

Gary Says FBISD Representative Unresponsive To Safety Concerns
by Jamie Mock, FortBendNow

Concerns about sex offenders and unsafe traveling conditions in the area surrounding Hunters Glen Elementary have prompted Missouri City Councilwoman Cynthia Gary to work towards getting the Fort Bend Independent School District to provide bus transportation to all elementary school students, even those living within two miles of their school.

Gary recently met with FBISD’s Executive Director of Support Services Lee Petros, but said the meeting was unsuccessful, and has now contacted a children’s advocacy organization and State Representative Dora Olivo.

“My concern is that in addition to them being safe on the street, what happens as they are walking to Hunters Glen, they are crossing the little…some people call it a drainage ditch or a bayou. I have witnessed those kids that are playing in there – we are talking kids 5 or 6 years old. They are not cognizant of safety at that age, they are just in there having a good time with each other,” said Gary. “I think that’s very dangerous. Not only that, it has been documented that some of those kids pass between 11 and 15 sex offenders. I don’t deem that as safe at all. When I went to speak with Mr. Petros I was really disappointed. He was so closed minded he had the position that according to the state and FBISD the kids are safe. I said, well how do you define safe, because based on my definition of safety they are not safe.” . . . (get the full story at http://fortbendnow.com/pages/full_story?article-Gary-Says-FBISD-Representative-Unresponsive-To-Safety-Concerns%20=&page_label=home&id=57918-Gary-Says-FBISD-Representative-Unresponsive-To-Safety-Concerns&widget=push&instance=home_news_lead_story&open=&)

Magee Claims Not To Be Seriously Running For Office, This Clears The Way For Harris Construction Company Executive Susan Hohnbaum In Pos. 1 Race--

From FBN: Magee Says He Is Not ‘Actively Engaged’ In Re-election To FBISD Board

Saying he was responding to inquiries from the public and media over not taking part in recent school board and campaign events, Fort Bend ISD Trustee Stan Magee announced Monday night that he was not “actively seeking” re-election.

The announcement came during the “Board Members Special Reports” portion of the agenda near the beginning of the school board’s regularly-scheduled meeting. He said that over the past few weeks he had to make “some serious personal changes” in his life and that new demands on his time prevented him from being actively involved in campaigning or district activities.

“I have not been, nor will I be, actively seeking the Position 1 re-election,” Magee said. “I am not actively engaged, not will I be actively engaged, in re-election.” . . . (get the full story at: http://www.fortbendnow.com/pages/full_story?page_label=home&id=57887-Magee-Says-He-Is-Not-‘Actively-Engaged’-In-Re-election-To-FBISD-Board&article-Magee-Says-He-Is-Not-‘Actively-Engaged’-In-Re-election-To-FBISD-Board%20=&widget=push&instance=home_news_lead_story&open=&)

FBW comment:

This information is sad news coming from a campaign already loaded with "insider" candidates (special interest). Will the current and future board be watching out for the taxpayer, children and families of FBISD? Mr. Magee was one of the few candidates that still voted independently.

Monday, April 14, 2008

FBISDWatch School Board Candidate Endorsements 2008

FBISDWatch School Board Candidate Endorsements 2008

With the school board elections coming up on May 10th FBW has decided to take a position in the forthcoming races. Based on voting records, issues and campaign disclosure statements.

Candidate Summary:

Laurie Caldwell (Missouri City) is currently serving and is seeking re-election to the FBISD school board. She is a small business owner and has worked throughout her last term to reform the board operations.

Stan Magee (Sugar Land) is a former educator and is currently a seated board member. He has maintained his independence on the board in several votes including the all important one involving taxpayer/voter inclusion on key administrative committees, voting against the rest of the boards efforts to reduce access by the public. Mr. Magee has worked to bring about reform and over-sight during his tenure.

Rodrigo Carreon (Fresno/Arcola) is a community activist that has worked tirelessly to monitor and upgrade school accountability in the bonds and strongly supports the concept of single member school districts. He has served on the 2007 bond committee and is a frequent contributor at BOT meetings.

Other related issues during this campaign season include the strong possibility of more special interest candidates being elected to the board. In one potential scenario, if two of the candidates are successful, one subdivision could end up with 3 seated board members over-seeing the taxes, bond distribution and administrative over-sight. This possible outcome places greater emphasis on the need for SMD.

Early voting begins April 28th and runs through May 6th, with election day May 10th. Please get out and vote in your municipal and school board races. . .

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Important Dates:

April 14 - Regular School Board Meeting - 7:00 PM

April 28 - Regular School Board Meeting - 7:00 PM

April 28 - Early voting begins for the May 10 Trustee Election

May 5 - Regular School Board Meeting - 7:00 PM

May 6 - Last day to vote early for the May 10 Trustee Election

May 9 - Student Holiday - Campus Staff Development Day

May 10 - Trustee Election Day

Friday, April 4, 2008

Jobs Being Eliminated By FBISD Administration

From FBN:

FBISD Employees Told Their Jobs Are Being Eliminated, District Says No Layoffs
by John Pape, FortBendNow.com

A number of Fort Bend ISD employees were informed last Friday that their positions were being eliminated, but the district says there will be some changes in staffing needs but employees are not being laid off.

Fort Bend Now received information late last Friday that several paraprofessionals at Elkins and Austin high schools had been told that they would be out of a job. The exact number of jobs involved is unclear.

One person close to the situation who did not want to be identified said the news came as a surprise to those who got the notices. . . (get the full story at: http://fortbendnow.com/pages/full_story?article-FBISD-Employees-Told-Their-Jobs-Are-


Interesting label being applied by the spin doctors at the school district. I wonder how these "eliminations" will impact instruction? Is this being done to head off the coming reported budget crisis because of the earlier over-projections?

FBISD BOT Discusses Deficit Spending For The First Time In Districts Modern History After Revised Growth Projections

From FortBendNow.com

Fort Bend ISD Begins Budget Process With Concerns Over Revenues
by John Pape, FortBendNow

With a wary eye on revenues and fewer new student enrollments than expected, the Fort Bend ISD Board of Trustees began the annual process of developing a budget for the district’s upcoming year.

Trustees held the first of what should be a series of budget workshop sessions prior to Monday’s regular board meeting. School administrators said they wanted to give the board a broad overview of the upcoming year.

“We are prepared to provide you with some very high level, preliminary information,” Superintendent Dr. Tim Jenney told trustees at the start of the workshop.

District Chief Operating Officer Mike Seale said one of the goals in the budget development process is to have a great deal of board input.

“One of our goals this year is to make sure we have plenty of board input very early in the process,” Seale told trustees. “This isn’t my budget; this isn’t the administration’s budget; it will become your budget.”

Trustees may have their work cut out for them, with Seale indicating that it could be a challenging year with limited new revenue. Those issues are not unique to Fort Bend ISD, Seale said, with districts all over the state facing a potential budget crunch. . . (get the full story at http://fortbendnow.com/pages/full_story?page_label=home&id=56043&article-Fort-Bend-ISD-Begins-Budget-Process-With-Concerns-Over-Revenues%20=&widget=push&instance=home_news_bullets&open=&)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Stay Tuned As FBISDWatch Will Be Endorsing Candidates In The Upcoming BOT Elections May 10th!

District Consultants Revise Growth Projections (After Last Years RECORD Bond Approval)

See this chronicle piece on how the district is now revising its over-estimated growth projections (made before the record bond vote in 2007):

Slower growth may bring less funding
District in midst of planning for new budget
Copyright 2008 Houston Chronicle

Nervous about a projected much smaller increase in next year's revenues, Fort Bend school officials see a tough task to meet the school district's numerous academic andpersonnel needs.

Mike Seale, the district's chief operations officer, told the school board during a workshop on Monday that 1,250 more students are expected to be added to the district during 2008-09, which would render $6,750 per student from local taxes and state funding.

That would give the district an additional $8.5 million additional in revenue.

"That would be the smallest revenue (increase) this district will have seen in the past 15, 16 years," Seale said.

The projected increase in revenues is in stark contrast with the projection for 2007-08. Dennis Harner, an Austin-based demographer contracted with the district, had predicted that 2,250 more students would have been added to the district, resulting in the district's coffers swolling by $27 million.

However, student enrollment didn't materialize to the level projected, mainly due to a slowdown in high school student population growth, Seale said. As a result, by the end of current school year, the actual increase in revenues would be $20 million, he said.

Harner's inaccurate growth projection led him to adjust his projection of student growth and revenues for 2008-09. . .

Get the full story at: http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/nb/fortbend/news/5664051.html

In other BOT related news the president of the local school employees federation called for a district investigation into mounting employee complaints...

See related media on the BOT meeting last night:


