2009 FBISD Tax Hearing (On YouTube)

CLICK HERE FOR THE 2009 FBISD CONTROVERSIAL TAX HEARING (YES THEY ARE RAISING THEM AGAIN--see petition of over 500 district taxpayers asking for board accountability) --In case anyone missed it they raised the property tax rate again (4th time) in 2010 and more than likely will do so again in 2011 facing another projected 15-20 million dollar budget deficit, according to some media reports. ***NEW*** ..Petition TO STOP THE GSTC (Global Science Museum being planned at the district central office--near $30 million dollar project that superintendent Jenney is pushing): http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/stopthegcst/ (see update below on this apparently ending this project after 2 years)

Thursday, November 8, 2007

GISD SLAPP-suit Opposition Growing: See this KISDWatchDogs Letter To The GISD Board & Media!

October, 2007

Galveston Independent School District
P.O. Box 660
Galveston, TX 77553-0660

Attention: The GISD Board Of Trustees & GISD School Superintendent

RE: An Open Letter To The GISD Board Of Trustees & GISD School Superintendent

Dear GISD Board of Trustees & GISD School Superintendent:

Let me begin by introducing myself. My name is Christopher E. Cottrell and I am the Co-Founder of a taxpayer watchdog group in Katy, Texas known as “The Katy Citizen Watchdog$”. Ms. Sandra J. Tetley, with GISD Watch, has been sharing with me some recent developments in your school district. Specifically, I am referring to the apparent threat of legal action against GISD Watch by your school district in what the district perceives as statements of a slanderous nature. As a fellow citizen watchdog I felt compelled to comment on the current flap.

I guess I should preface my remarks/opinions by saying that I am not a lawyer, nor do I profess to be an expert on anything, but I will say, as a fellow concerned taxpayer, that I am appalled that your school district considers anything on the GISD site as slander. I have looked at the site, and while I haven’t studied the site in detail, I personally do not see anything that could be considered slanderous. There is certainly a great deal of critical commentary on the site, but I do believe that commentary and slander are not one in the same. In addition, I saw district news and district facts but once again I am having trouble as a layperson understanding how any of that could be considered slanderous. What am I missing? The folks at GISD Watch want the same thing that the Katy Dogs want; that being a board, superintendent and school district that are both transparent and accountable to those of us that are paying the freight. Believe me, I didn’t come up with this theme; there were some very smart men several hundred years ago that believed so strongly in that concept that they fought a revolution over it.

Please try and not take this the wrong way when I say, is it possible that all of you should get a thicker skin? How is it that the word “dissent” has become a four-letter word? Why have some of us lost our natural distrust of government? When did school districts and elected official become exempt from public criticism? Are school districts and trustees always right in everything they do?

When did having a differing view warrant legal action? When did school board trustees and superintendents forget that they report to the voters? When did school districts decide that they have some divine right to rule an area as a fiefdom? Do you believe that tax dollars represent some kind of entitlement program? When did government become supreme in this nation? When did it become ok for government to believe that they don’t need to be accountable or transparent to taxpayers? What happened to taxation with representation? How did the term “grassroots activist” get twisted to mean “educational terrorist”?

Like it or not Texas has become “ground zero” of a taxpayer revolt that is catching on nationwide. The Watchdog movement in Texas has been leading this effort. Watchdogs have found the internet to be a very powerful tool for those of us that have become very, very concerned about the state of public education and the way in which our hard-earned tax dollars are being managed and spent by those school trustees and superintendents that have been entrusted with the oversight of those dollars. The Katy Dog web sites have received both statewide and national attention. I have personally spoken to folks in California, Florida, Missouri, Nevada, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and earlier this year I went to Boulder, Colorado where I addressed a new watchdog group and their board of trustees. I have also had the opportunity to visit with people in various districts in Houston. We are also very proud to say that the folks over at GISD Watch had been monitoring our site for some time before contacting us. We have also visited with concerned taxpayers in Columbus ISD and just last summer we helped the Cy-Fair Citizens kick-off their fight against taxpayer waste and abuse in their district. With the help of Americans For Prosperity in Austin, the Katy Watchdog$ organized the first-ever Texas Watchdog Summit this past April. This was the first meeting of citizen watchdog groups from around the state; a chance for all of us to figure out how we can become more powerful in Austin and how we can all help each other in our individual battles with our local school districts.

I dare say that the folks over at GISD Watch share many of the same beliefs and goals as we do. Those being:

· We are people who want the very best education for our children, but at the same time we don’t believe that you have to break the bank doing it.

· We believe in putting more money in the classroom and less into administration and “Taj Mahal” school construction projects. In other words, we believe that teachers should come FIRST, not administrators, superintendents, school trustees, building contractors or architects. After all it won’t be any of those individuals that secure our children’s college admissions. It will be the teachers that accomplish that task.

· We believe that an education will be the only thing we will ever give our kids that will ever be worth anything in their lives.

· We are concerned that that education is not the first priority of school districts.

Let me clue all of you into something; taxpayers in this state are angry and they are getting angrier every single day. Our ranks are growing daily as more and more taxpayers begin to come out of their apathetic stupor and begin to realize what is REALLY going on in their school districts. We are tired of wasteful, irresponsible and sometimes fraudulent school district spending. We are sick of “blank check” bond initiatives that only encourage wasteful, irresponsible and sometimes fraudulent school spending. We’re tired of school districts operating deficit budgets. But most of all we are really weary of school districts “passing the hat” before they have made absolutely sure that their own economic house is in order.

Folks, it’s really quite simple. We have got to begin changing our ways. All school districts need to realize that we cannot continue down the path that we have been on. We cannot continue spending money like it’s going out of style. We need to learn how to build smarter and cheaper. We need to understand that we can’t have it all and realize what is really important in providing a quality education and what is not important to that effort. Priorities need to be shifted so that education becomes the first and only priority.

Face it, test scores are down all over this state and nation. Public education in Texas and in the U.S. is in trouble and it has been in trouble for quite awhile. We all need to work together to try and find answers. Suing grassroots activists isn’t going to accomplish anything other than wasting additional tax dollars that could be spent more constructively on education.

I am urging you all to take the lead and immediately open a dialogue with GISD Watch. Listen to what their concerns are and try and set aside any personal bias and work with them in trying to find common ground on issues facing your district. Please, and I can’t emphasis this enough, don’t take the adversarial approach our Board took when we announced our formation in August of 2005. Sandra and her group are taxpayers just like all of you. What they want is hopefully you want; that being a quality education at a reasonable and fair price.


Christopher E. Cottrell
Co-Founder/Katy Citizen Watchdog$


P.S. I also want to let each of you know that my letter will be forwarded to the press and will be posted on the Katy Watchdog web sites and on the GISD Watch web site.

cc: GISD Watch
Members of the Press


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Recent posts on this from several watchdog sites:

SLAPPed Around said...
Found these on the GISD site related to the FBISD lawfirm that sent a demand letter to them (GISDWatchDogs) recently in this potential SLAPP-suit:

FBISD Sister Site Comes to our Defense!!
Written by Administrator
Saturday, 03 November 2007
FBISD (Fort Bend ISD) Watch Dogs have sent us a letter of support and have posted a great column on their blog: FBISD Watch Dogs

According to them, GISDWATCH has been SLAPPED!

FBISD also enjoys the legal expertise of Feldman & Rogers!

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shchph - Texas: Proposed Statutes Registered | 11-03-2007 20:43:24
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shchph - SLAPP-ed Around Registered | 11-03-2007 20:44:01
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apappous Registered | 11-03-2007 20:50:51
Feldman & Rogers is also the constitutional counsel to Jugo Chavez.... Or at least they do a great imitation of one.....
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FBISDWatch - Articles-- Unregistered | 11-04-2007 07:40:35
One of the most famous SLAPPs is the Oprah Winfrey SLAPP by the TX cattle industry. The bills you listed to protect consumers/voters from SLAPPs were defeated by powerful industry lobbys (lawyers, developers, other). These tactics are common-place now. One recently took place in Bay City.

Get the word out and lets organize against this.
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Mediator Unregistered | 11-04-2007 08:09:33
GISD does not the finances to complete the projects promised by the last bond issue. The board has seen fit to take money from the "mouths of babes" to finanace an harassment package against a web site that is asking too many questions. Sounds to me like some board members should be investigated by the district attorney. Also, complaints need to be sent to the Texas BAR concerning GISD attorneys who are violating the rights of private citizens. BY THE WAY, DOES THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY EVER READ THE GCN?
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Anon - Here we go again-- Unregistered | 11-04-2007 11:34:07
Before attempting to bring in the DA you want to check and see if there are any linkages between these two bodies via campaign finance disclosures, etc. Usually DAs are very much in the pocket of pwerful special interest groups/corporations that have a vested interest in the impact open forums like this have on school districts and surrounding communities. The old saying "too much free speech is a bad thing" seems to be the motto these days.

Don't try to involve him/her if they are connected with the "insiders". I would contact the FBI or Justice Dept. if you can expose violations of federal law. Believe me school districts are all taking federal money these days. You also might want to contact the local ACLU and get them involved quickly. Then publicize, publicize, publicize and then vote, vote, vote these people off the BOT and replace the vendors....yes you can do something, but think outside the box (because in this case the BOX is your enemy)....what's amazing about all this is the fact that we pay them to do this to us
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RCM - No problem with DA Unregistered | 11-04-2007 13:33:32
I have no doubt whatsoever that the Galveston DA is completely above board on such matters. He is highly regarded as an individual who reasonably and fairly apllies the power of his office.
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anon - where to send donation Unregistered | 11-04-2007 13:49:07
You also need an address for anonymous donations for those of us who work for these people.
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Jim - Donations Address Unregistered | 11-04-2007 15:08:11
There is an address to send donations under the DONATE button on the left hand menu.
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Phyllis - Parent Advocate Unregistered | 11-04-2007 14:30:38
Good for you!

We need more strong groups like yours that are not afraid to stand up to the school districts and all the corruption.

They are a bunch of bullies and by them threatning to sue you just proves that even more.

Anonymous said...


New Threats - Tuesday Newspaper 2007/11/06 09:09 Karma: 0
Take a look at the front page of today's Galveston County Daily News.
Apparently GISD attorneys plan to sue Sandra on the behalf of individual board and administrative members.
Guess what? Our tax dollars will pay for this rediculous suit.

keligavin (User)
Fresh Boarder

Posts: 1

Re:New Threats - Tuesday Newspaper 2007/11/06 09:45 Karma: 0
What are they sueing for? We still live in America, last time I checked Free Speach was still legal!Keep up the good work! I wish GISD took this much time to watch over our children. This is very sad to me.

Oblitr8 (User)
Junior Boarder

Posts: 5

Re:New Threats - Tuesday Newspaper 2007/11/06 13:10 Karma: 0
The new U.S. slogan:


Michelle (Visitor)
Re:New Threats - Tuesday Newspaper 2007/11/06 15:13
Well Hell they (GISD) just need to start taking names. Mine is Michelle Byrd. Start wasting the tax payers money... Don't worry about our childrens education because your feelings are getting hurt, and what the money needs to be spent on for schools..
Miz Lynn do you need my address to serve me papers?????

eric (Visitor)
Re:New Threats - Tuesday Newspaper 2007/11/07 08:44
Awesome!!! Take them to task!! I wish you all the best with this matter.

Maybe if there were more people like yourself these agencies would stop spending our tax money frivolously.

Also, it's funny how other countries are able to spend almost half as much as we do on education and their children are smarter than ours. (we're #19 in the world now in the basics because we keep dumbing down the material)

Still...I wish you the best. Keep fighting the good fight.

Oblitr8 (User)
Junior Boarder

Posts: 5

Re:New Threats - Tuesday Newspaper 2007/11/07 12:48 Karma: 0
Would they like some cheese with that whine?
Everything posted here, or discussed here are facts. They should have thought about the consequences before they began their misconduct. Are they that arrogant, or just stupid. I know most government agencies tend to believe they are above the law. They cramm their laws down our throats and expect us to obey them, and when we dont, we get prosecuted. Most the stuff they do, a regular citizen would get arrested for. Its about time they are held accountable for their actions. We are made to be responsible for our actions. They are weak, pathetic human beings.

Anonymous said...

I think FBISD parents need to take a closer look at the legal vendor involved in this action against voters and taxpayers in the Houston-Galveston area. Maybe it is time for a review of all district vendors and a closer look at possible ethical issues relating to the use or misuse of our tax dollars.

Joe Garland said...

Why sue your own.They sre residents of Galveston and tax payer.Why GISD going after them????? FOOLISH!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I found the letter a very good idea. It is really quite a reasonable request and seems to make the point. I still can't believe we have the same vendors.

Anonymous said...

Here is an interesting piece for those of you who are still curious, and may have been members of SOS like I was, whatever happened to our leadership. Well Susan over at KMBBB.com (formerly brazosriver.com) had this to share:
