2009 FBISD Tax Hearing (On YouTube)
CLICK HERE FOR THE 2009 FBISD CONTROVERSIAL TAX HEARING (YES THEY ARE RAISING THEM AGAIN--see petition of over 500 district taxpayers asking for board accountability)
--In case anyone missed it they raised the property tax rate again (4th time) in 2010 and more than likely will do so again in 2011 facing another projected 15-20 million dollar budget deficit, according to some media reports.
***NEW*** ..Petition TO STOP THE GSTC (Global Science Museum being planned at the district central office--near $30 million dollar project that superintendent Jenney is pushing): http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/stopthegcst/ (see update below on this apparently ending this project after 2 years)
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Local comments from area blogs coming in on these issues and the campaign:
Dunn said...
Thank you, sir.
7:26 PM, April 03, 2009
Anonymous said...
I wonder if anyone checked her story on this or if it was like the chronicle implied that she was just avoiding confrontation over the poor performance of the board under her watch.
"One of these, I did expect. Sonal Bhuchar offered that she had an early flight, or some such thing, on the following morning, thus preventing her from attending the meeting."
8:00 PM, April 03, 2009
Anonymous said...
"One that says “None of the above?”
I believe I'm having deja vu all over again with you Half-empty. I believe you've said this a number of times in any number of elections. Too bad the "D" club didn't run someone, you would be having hives with excitement. Stop sitting back on your duff and pontificating, do something like Bruce, Rodrigo and Carlos are doing on their on time-dime-etc...or go cut a backroom deal like the "D" club is famous for and sell the grass-roots out!
8:07 PM, April 03, 2009
Anonymous said...
"Of the three, I do have one un-recommendation. Give Glover a pass. She opposes union reps at campuses, and won’t even divulge her concerns on the burning issue of the day." At least we agree on this. With the lack of oversight on recent senior administrative scandals from the FBISD police chief to the facilities manager (personal use of district/taxpayer resources) and the issues involving the first ever budget deficit for FBISD I think they ALL need to go. The board is in place to provide over-sight, accountability and involve the public, which this one, if you had been watching has done more to silence the community by changing the rules to speak before the BOT and excluding the stake-holders from participation in some of the senior level "community" committees, like zoning.
Is silencing the public suddenly a good thing?
8:17 PM, April 03, 2009
Hal said...
Anon, you are touchy tonight.
Read on. "The jury is still out" comes to mind.
To understand the "D Club" as you call it, you have to understand the quote that is ascribed to President Bill Clinton: "Democrats want to fall in love, Republicans want to fall in line."
And no, Anon. Sitting back on my duff pontificating is what I do. I watch and comment on the drama that plays in front of me. My expectation is that the drama will usually serves someone's hidden agenda, and am accordingly unsurprised when that is what happens.
The fun stuff occurs when I get surprised.
Surprise me.
8:23 PM, April 03, 2009
Hal said...
Bob, Yew are vary welcome. We all make mistakes . . .
10:52 PM, April 03, 2009
Anonymous said...
"The fun stuff occurs when I get surprised.
Surprise me."
The surprise is that these candidates are not controlled by the vendors and are mostly financing their own campaigns. They are drawing support from middle of the roaders, independents, conservatives, moderates across the board. Personally, I consider the "D" club a special interest and have seen how they work first hand in a local municipal race (revenge can be a nasty pill). The surprise would be if it wasn't so predictable.
"Ds" fall in love, while "Rs" fall in line? Who cares which they are, both are as dangerous to our democracy as it gets with each feeding its own elite corporate buddies. How about stepping out of the comfort zone for a change and getting involved. Many of us have been walking homes for weeks now (already almost 2000).
If these independent candidates disappoint then we will find more to replace them until change does come and our local councils, boards and commissions are free and acting independent of the influences of the special interest.
Only then can they act in our best interests. Mr. Morrison would be a good example of a free thinker working in the best interest of those that live here based on his current voting record. He speaks much more like a fiscal conservative than any of the republicans on the court. It's too bad he clings to the party banner so tightly though because independents, cross-over republicans & others helped get him in office over the toll road boys.
Peace half, but get off your duff and help! Don't just take your orders from the "D" club. Get outside the paradigm.
9:33 AM, April 04, 2009
Anonymous said...
Okay, well stated. However, upon reflection regarding past BOT’s action or none action to include the present, Cain’s scrappiness sounds best of all 3 described for my way of thinking.
9:55 AM, April 04, 2009
Anonymous said...
I appreciate the kind words, even though there was not a direct endorcement. I would like to say that you slightly misrepresented my final comment. You made it sound as though the comment was a jab. My actual comment to final question about being the most qualified to the best of my memory was "I'm not. I don't have a masters degree and I'm not a teacher. The one that is the most qualified is unfortunately a rubber stamper. I can assure you, if I get in there, I will shake up their little tea party" I believe those were my words and it was not meant as a jab at Ms Bhucher. She is obviously from an academic standpoint more qualified than myself. I simply can no longer stand by and let this group give a free reign to someone that continues to spend our tax dollars with no regard for the voters, teachers or students. I'd like to have a cup of coffee with you Hal. Perhaps you will find I too would make a fine addition to the Board. And I said all that with no caps. I remain
Respectfully Yours,
Carlos Cain
12:05 PM, April 04, 2009
viewpoint says:
April 3rd, 2009 at 8:39 am (#)
How do teachers union members fill about FBISD present/ pastleadership? Is the Ft. Bend teach federation happy about present FBISD BOT elect officials of previous union endorsements made are listening?If not, then the teacher federation has fail to endorse the right candidates?
teacherindistrict says:
April 3rd, 2009 at 7:13 pm (#)
I agree with your question. I understand that the union supported two of the recent board members who appear to just “sit there” and not take active stands for the teachers. This year? Next year?
I really don’t think it matters anymore.
Once a board member gets elected, things change and their personal agenda changes as well.
teacherindistrict says:
April 3rd, 2009 at 7:15 pm (#)
I understand that the President did not appear. Is that leadership? Does she not represent the entire community? Where was she?
Mr. Carreon was snubbed by the association a few years ago when he showed up and responded to questions, but his opponent, Daniel Menendez (1 of 2 Sienna Plantation BOT members) did not, but yet received the full endorsement including financial backing. Many wonder if we will see a repeat of this type of behavior in these elections.
I for one can't blame Mr. Carreon for not attending, but I did get to hear him speak at the other public meeting he attended in Arcola/Fresno last night. He is a good man and really cares about his community. It is too bad more aren't as committed to improving the area as he. He favors Mr. Cain and Mr. Albright too in this election and opposes further wasteful spending.
Posted by: level_playing_field at April 3, 2009 12:02 PM
Wasn't Rodrigo on the 2007 record bond committee?
Posted by: anonymous at April 3, 2009 12:06 PM
Daniel Menendez is just a puppet and yes-man like all other BOT members. I wonder if anyone endorded by the teacher union will ever live up to his or her campaign promises. Or if the union is only wasting time holding these forums.
Posted by: Xavier at April 3, 2009 12:43 PM
Who knows xavier. After they get elected they get sent off to BOT boot camp to learn how to take orders from the superintendent. Usually if they step out of line they are crucified by the special interest companies that are on the long vendor list for the district. Remember it isn't really a democracy. Mr. Cain and 1 or 2 others appear sincere. Whether that holds up over the long run remains to be seen.
I wonder what the current FBEF membership thinks about past performance of current members?
Posted by: fbisdparent at April 3, 2009 03:02 PM
Yes, Mr. Carreon was a 2007 FBISD bond committee member. Mr. Carreon a former FBISD Dulles studen graduate, he noticed that his old Blue Ridge Elem. school was not included for renovation in the 2007 bond planning, another one of the eastside school.. But Mr. Carreon step forward to help get FBISD BOT to agree too renovate Blue Ridge Elem. in 2008 summer before Hurricane IKE visit. Mr. Carreon is a class of 79 Blue Ridge Elem gradute, also.
Posted by: VOTER at April 3, 2009 05:00 PM
Mr Carreon has been atteng regular FBISD BOT monthly meetings for the at least five past years.
Yes Mr. Carreon in a former 2007 bond committee member, that help save his former Blue Ridge Elem. school for needs of renovation with general funds in 2008 summer before hurricane IKE.
Posted by: VOTER at April 3, 2009 05:23 PM
Ft. Bend teacher union weak endorsement in previous elections 2008 an before.
Posted by: VOTER at April 3, 2009 08:46 PM
Regarding Mr. Carreon being snubbed by the union a few years ago, I say bully for Mr. Carreon for "not" showing up for the union’s most recent forum. The union exhibited disrespect toward Mr. Carreon, in turn, they also exhibited what they are truly about and what they truly represent.
I think like most formal organizations the boards sometimes operate almost separately of their rank and files wishes, but I agree we owe Carreon a debt of thanks for his continued service to the community.
Amazing in the story posted above this that both Jenney and Wallace keep pseudo-promising that this will be paid for without tax dollars, but can't seem to name a single committed private corporate partner. This is really looking like an election stunt to promote the insiders and not focus on problem solving, like the multiple uninvestigated senior administrative members potential use of public funds for private concerns or the budget shortfall or the resource issues they keep ignoring.
Par for the course around here though! After all it is Fort Bend County.
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