2009 FBISD Tax Hearing (On YouTube)

CLICK HERE FOR THE 2009 FBISD CONTROVERSIAL TAX HEARING (YES THEY ARE RAISING THEM AGAIN--see petition of over 500 district taxpayers asking for board accountability) --In case anyone missed it they raised the property tax rate again (4th time) in 2010 and more than likely will do so again in 2011 facing another projected 15-20 million dollar budget deficit, according to some media reports. ***NEW*** ..Petition TO STOP THE GSTC (Global Science Museum being planned at the district central office--near $30 million dollar project that superintendent Jenney is pushing): http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/stopthegcst/ (see update below on this apparently ending this project after 2 years)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

FBN: Another FBISD Administrator Accused Of Misconduct

Another FBISD Administrator Accused Of Misconduct
January, 2009 | by John Pape, Fortbendnow.com

Even as Fort Bend ISD remains under fire in the wake of allegations of misconduct against the district’s police chief and claims school administrators interfered in a police investigation, it has now come to light that Director of Facilities Michael Johnson had his personal pickup truck serviced at a district maintenance facility.

A photo of the truck being worked on by district personnel has also surfaced.

The information came to light when district insiders, troubled that Johnson was using district resources to do maintenance on his personal pickup, reported the incident to FortBendNow. The information also appeared on an Internet blog called “Fort Bend ISD Employees” (http://fortbendemployees.blogspot.com.)

Get the full story at: http://www.fortbendnow.com/2009/01/22/35047


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Comments coming in on this topic from several area blogs:


Anonymous said...
What a shame that people have to be subjected to treatment like this, because they have to make a living.Hopefully the truth will become more and more know to the people of our community.

DECEMBER 14, 2008 10:02 PM
Anonymous said...
We will overcome this injustice. How can a district like Fort Bend behave like this? There is no place for hate in FBISD. The district needs to investigate these claims immediately.

DECEMBER 17, 2008 5:57 PM
Anonymous said...
We would hope the School Board members investigate this matter; it seems the district should be hiring more teachers and educational staff instead of hiring more administrative staff.

DECEMBER 18, 2008 9:57 AM
Anonymous said...
With the district having to resort to using a deficit budget for the first time in its history; how can Mr. Johnson justify hiring additional staff and wasting taxpayers money renovating functioning offices to fill with his newly created positions? (Did the Board Members approve these positions or were they just created without any justification?)

DECEMBER 19, 2008 10:13 AM
Anonymous said...
Mr. Johnson is a sort of Hitler and demands like a little child and treats everyone with the snap of his finger. He is arrogant and sneaky always sneaking around and watching like we are elementary children. He is mentally sick and has severe control issues. He is going to have a rude awakening. Ft. Bend needs to get rid of him. He thinks he is invincable and can do and treat everyone like he wants to, but he is mistaken because WE employees of ft bend will not tolerate his behavior. Even if he changes his attitude we do not want him as an employee of Ft. Bend. Send him to IRAQ. He how tuff he is!

DECEMBER 22, 2008 3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
I am 55 years and have been treated like I am no body by Mike Johnson, he is cruel and inconsiderate.

I hope that we can do something about this guy. The comments I have been hearing is that no one wants to talk because they say all it's going to do is get them in trouble if Mike Johnson finds out who said what. These employees are very afraid of what he can do to them.

Isn't it strange that ever since Mike Johnson came to work here at Ft. Bend ISD 80% of employees have been having problems with their checks. One lady told me she worked her 40 hours but got paid for only
35 hours and then Ft. Bend payroll wants these employees to wait for their money until they (payroll) have time to process their missing hours. My question is why do these employees not report this to the LABOR BOARD? I don't know if they know this.

I hope that we can do something about this.

One employee that was called and questioned by Ms. McWilliams about Mike Johnson, asked her if she felt Mr. Johnson had discriminated against her because she is hispanic.

Another employee Carmelita Hammond is doing a grade 4 job because that's what Mike Johnson assigned to her, she is a grade 3, when in reality is should have been given to the support secretary then Mike Johnson changed his mind and said he was going to assign it to Facility Secretary, then changed his mind again and gave it to Irma Salinas's receptionist-who is a grade 3. Several employees told her she needs to bring that to Mike Johnson's attention. He needs to change her job title or assign that job to a grade 4 or higher to justify the grade pay.

DECEMBER 22, 2008 3:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Fort Bend district has been operating with 1 Maintenance Manager and 1 Operations Manager for a very long time, and never had a problem. Mr Johnson arrives at the district and suddenly he creates new "Puppet Positions" Support Manager, Asst Operations Manager, and secretaries. I am confused, Is he suppost to save money or waste money? He is hiring more CHIEFS instead of INDIANS. District is growing, and we have the same amount of plumbers, electricains, electornic techs, craftman, and repair man, and grounds man. I wonder if the board memeber care of the blue collar workers! When was the last time a board member visited the PFC building.

JANUARY 2, 2009 9:07 AM
Anonymous said...
I wonder how long will it be before Johnson and Jenney try to outsource Grounds, Custodial Cleaning, and Maintenance; so they can pad thier pockets with bonuses for supposedly saving the district money, while running down the taxpayers property (school buildings) that will recieve no maintenance or cleaning. Will the board members let FBISD's Facilities deteriorate like HISD's buildings?

JANUARY 6, 2009 10:06 AM
Anonymous said...
While we were having s meeting on November 19, 2008 Mike Johnson made a comment. The comment was he was going to tightened our nuts and there was one lady in the meeting and her name is Cheryl Cullar. 281-634-5526. It was other supervisors and managers in the meeting too. Again this shows Mr. Johnson has no business trying to run this operation.

JANUARY 10, 2009 11:39 PM
Anonymous said...
The Board Members need to investigate the operation of the Facilites Dept.; since Johnson's take over, the employees morale is at an all time low, employees cannot receive adequate cleaning supplies or materials to clean the schools or make repairs; no overtime is allowed, yet no new employees are hired to maintain the buildings. So saving money in the budget appears to be more important than maintaining the upkeep of the buildings; I wonder do the taxpayers know how their property is being maintained?

JANUARY 14, 2009 10:39 AM
Anonymous said...
Mr. Johnson accuses everyone of stealing and taking advantage of the system. No employee at Fort Bend ISD has ever had their personal vehicle services at the expense of our tax payers. Mr. Michael F Johnson you are the first!! Mr. Johnson used a Fort Bend ISD employee (John Wright) to service his own personal truck, using fort bend ISD material and labor. "That is called stealing and taking advantage of our tax money". We have pictures to prove it.

JANUARY 14, 2009 7:06 PM
Anonymous said...
Cross post this to FBISDWatch at http://fbisdwatch.blogspot.com/

JANUARY 17, 2009 5:06 PM
Anonymous said...
Although not a present employee,I am a former employee of FBISD. FBISD has a long history of engaging in the descibed behavior as you so aptly described. EEOC has plenty of complaints against FBISD; mine and others who have traveled the road that some of you are traveling now. Watch EEOC though, they too have been known to be bought off by big corporations and school districts. This is not FBISD's first ride to the rodeo because this is not the first time that EEOC has investigated FBISD. EEOC already knows that FBISD is a "bad" actor and "ain't" nothing nice.

Feldman & Rogers will stop at nothing; that's the main reason FBISD rehired them. Feldman & Rogers keep fighting a case even when they know FBISD is wrong; and they continue to drain the coffers dry, the taxpayers money, to defend bad practices, bad acts, bad policy--their own, and bad law.

It is a hard road to fight FBISD, but there is strength in numbers. Feldman & Rogers have infuence at District Federal Court level also.
If your case goes to District Federal Court in Houston, I pray, you do not draw Reagan Republican appointee Judge Melissa Harmon to try your case.

One last caution, watch closely whatever lawyer you select, the opposing side will buy your lawyer if he can be bought. Mine was. In fact, he ended up serving on highly visible FBISD Committees.

JANUARY 17, 2009 6:10 PM
Anonymous said...
Good point above regarding the local courts. Also you may want to consider contacting http://fbisdwatch.blogspot.com when you have areas of mutual interest such as the apparent waste going on with taxpayer monies when administrators use resources for their own private gain.

JANUARY 23, 2009 9:44 AM

Anonymous said...


Kampf says:
January 22nd, 2009 at 4:30 pm (#)

Isn’t a picture worth at least a thousand words?

Kampf says:
January 22nd, 2009 at 4:35 pm (#)

I wonder if any board members will mention this at the next meeting?

“In this district, when one of the small fry questions anything the big shots want, the small fry ends up in trouble,” the source said. “Everybody knows its wrong but they’re scared to say so out of fear of losing their jobs. With times are hard, nobody wants to get fired. That leaves them caught in the middle when they see something wrong.”

“When told about the Jan. 6 maintenance work, Simpson said she had been told that the district’s software system showed no work order for Johnson’s truck.

In a follow-up telephone message, Simpson said any work order showing maintenance work on Johnson’s truck was a fake.

“We have looked into that and it’s totally false; totally fabricated,” Simpson said. “All those work orders are listed or entered electronically. There is no truth to that Jan. 6 invoice.”

and after all we’ve read here that statement can be believed from the central office?

Sugarland watch says:
January 22nd, 2009 at 6:27 pm (#)

Well Well our tax money is HARD at work!!!!
I will be in line for my truck to work on tomorrow

Factually Speaking says:
January 22nd, 2009 at 9:23 pm (#)

My, my. Due to bottled-neck negativity, is it any wonder the focus of the administration of an educational entity is distracted and compromised from concentrating on the children?

JohnBernard.Books says:
January 23rd, 2009 at 7:01 am (#)

lemme see if I can connect the dots…..these allegations against Mr Johnson were made by Mr. Willie Jones according to the posts on FBISD employees blog…..isn’t Mr Jones the gentleman who recently accused Mr Johnson of discrimination?….I wonder what his agenda is?

Kampf says:
January 23rd, 2009 at 7:42 am (#)

Who cares what his agenda is #5, a picture is always worth a thousand words. Are you saying the evidence is fabricated and that the BOT doesn’t need to look into tax money waste once again?

Good point factually regarding the apparent concerns of the central office types.

JohnBernard.Books says:
January 23rd, 2009 at 8:41 am (#)

where did I say “the evidence is fabricated”?…what I said is what’s his agenda…and you said “who cares”…as in “the end results justify the means”…that should sum it up.

Kampf says:
January 23rd, 2009 at 9:37 am (#)

“the end results justify the means”

Why are you stating this as a quote? And why are you ignoring the evidence?

Kat_Princess says:
January 23rd, 2009 at 9:42 am (#)

Okay, “Who cares?” mercilessly begs for justifiable summation. Why be so abrasive in your emotions?

aos4567 says:
January 23rd, 2009 at 10:52 am (#)

sugarland watch, do you think we all could get service that way? perhaps it’s a new revenue source for the district.

Kat_Princess says:
January 23rd, 2009 at 11:45 am (#)

Write on,carry on or “whatever your on” certainly is worthy of our legal interpretation…carry on!

Kat_Princess says:
January 23rd, 2009 at 11:57 am (#)

Is this the “service” you “expected”? [Please “elaborate”} Ha, ha I’m not “going down” that Lane again…..

Kat_Princess says:
January 23rd, 2009 at 12:44 pm (#)

Please excuse, I’m backing up now…my intent is to not get in the way of the “real” focal “point” here:

“So in a follow-up telephone message, Simpson said any work order showing maintenance work on Johnson’s truck was a fake.”

In reminising of a legal case in Texas, I personally was aware of a simliarity in that the repairs of that 18-wheeler truck was “fudged” into transmission …or something to that effect…I’m no attorney nor am I a “professional witness” so hopefully we can all agree to work together for the sake of honesty and taxpayers monies?

Willie says:
January 24th, 2009 at 2:21 am (#)

Isn’t anyone as shocked by Mr. Johnson’s behavior as I am? Who else but dr. jenney’s son in law would have the arrogance to think that he could wheel his truck into FBISD property and have us, the stupid taxpayers to foot the bill for his repair work. Never mind the fact that Mr. Johnson makes over 90,000 a year, the tax payers are expected to pay for his bills. Why not? The district will make up cover stories of fake work orders, and so forth to justify his behavior.

Why do you think Mr. Johnson’s boss, Tom Carter has not investigated? Why do you think HR or the auditors have not investigated these allegations against Mr. Johnson? It is because these heads of these departments know that Mr. Johnson is kin to Dr. Jenney. Why do you think Ms. SImpson is putting out these weak cover stories on the behalf of Mr. Johnson, where she dismisses his discriminatory behavior as a simple mistake, and Mr. Johnson’s theft of services as being dealt with a simple counseling session. A counseling session? You give someone a counseling session for tardies or excessive absences, not for stealing.

Stealing is a crime, and FBISD has admitted that Mr. Johnson has had his vehicle serviced with district personnel and materials. Ms. Simpson dismisses the severity of the work by stating that it was only 2 mechanics for only 20 minutes of work and so on. Basically Ms. Simpson is saying that Mr. Johnson only stole a little bit, not too much, just a little bit. Wow! FBISD, in which we entrust our children to learn an education as well as learning values, has an administration that would make Ken Lay and Jeffrey Skilling pround. In FBISD it is ok to steal a little bit, not too much. Just steal enough to stay under the radar, and if you are caught, deny all existing evidence as fabricated.

FBISD has acknoledged that Mr. Johnson has had his personal truck serviced with FBISD labor and materials. There is no question on this point. My question is how FBISD administration dismisses this crime with a counseling session. Under Texas Penal Code 31.04. THEFT OF SERVICE, Mr Johnson’s actions, which have been admitted to have taken place by FBISD, are illegal and need to be acted on by the proper authorities. Please note the applicable Texas Penal Code which made Mr. Johnson’s action a crime:

§ 31.04. THEFT OF SERVICE. (a) A person commits theft of
service if, with intent to avoid payment for service that he knows
is provided only for compensation:
…(2) having control over the disposition of services of
another to which he is not entitled, he intentionally or knowingly
diverts the other’s services to his own benefit or to the benefit of
another not entitled to them;

Here are the consequences of theft of service.

(e) An offense under this section is:
(1) a Class C misdemeanor if the value of the service
stolen is less than $20;
(2) a Class B misdemeanor if the value of the service
stolen is $20 or more but less than $500;
(3) a Class A misdemeanor if the value of the service
stolen is $500 or more but less than $1,500;
(4) a state jail felony if the value of the service
stolen is $1,500 or more but less than $20,000;
(5) a felony of the third degree if the value of the
service stolen is $20,000 or more but less than $100,000;
(6) a felony of the second degree if the value of the
service stolen is $100,000 or more but less than $200,000; or
(7) a felony of the first degree if the value of the
service stolen is $200,000 or more.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

It is time our board members do their job and provide some sort of explanation, rather than just giving the Jenney raise after raise.

Anonymous said...

JohnBernard.Books says:
January 24th, 2009 at 8:39 am (#)

“FBISD, in which we entrust our children to learn an education as well as learning values, has an administration that would make Ken Lay and Jeffrey Skilling pround.”….this in-appropriate

Factually Speaking says:
January 24th, 2009 at 9:52 am (#)

Willie, although, you are correct in your assertions, it is going to be a rough ride in challenging FBISD. They have deep pockets. Best to you.

Factually Speaking says:
January 24th, 2009 at 10:20 am (#)

Moreover, Willie, the thing that FBISD has going for itself is not only deep pockets, but also being well connected in a manner that everyday, regular folks do not always have on their side in the pursuit of justice, even though, I am not trying to rain on your parade, but I am trying to be honest with you so that you will be prepared for the worst in knowing ahead of time, just being right is not enough. And, in answering your question about is any one shocked about the situation that you describe, I cannot answer for everyone, however, no, I am not shocked.

Kat_Princess says:
January 24th, 2009 at 10:37 am (#)

In terms of stealing: how many citizens including parents who witness their own children knowingly abuse restaurants soda fountain machines? I recall witnessing in one restaurant, a note to the effect that rilling your soda glass for extra servings thus constitutes stealing. Yet how many of you have not “shaken your finger” at yourself for stealing more? Please keep your eyes and ears open to all the facts …that someone of you may have “safely” hidden under the radar. Or please turn yourself in.

Factually Speaking says:
January 24th, 2009 at 11:05 am (#)

Unfortunately, Willie, efforts to stir public outrage may be for naught. The enjoyment of life in our wonderful surrounding in Sugar Land and its general vicinities tend to outweigh civic focus for most people. It’s going to be a rough ride for you and others who are striving to fight against wrong doing, but “know” that you will be fighting it alone.

aos4567 says:
January 24th, 2009 at 11:24 am (#)

It never seems to fail. Some people believe stealing by the rich and well connected is somehow excusable, but at the street level it must be severely prosecuted. If anyone has a sense of justice then you prosecute fairly. Rationalizing stealing is as bad as stealing and taking from the public or our children is even worse!

Willie says:
January 24th, 2009 at 11:26 am (#)

A child stealing a few extra gulps of a soda on a soda machine and a $100,000 salaried professional administrator, who is entrusted to be ethical and moral in his oversight of our tax dollar is a ridiculous and absurd comparison. How can you justify the stealing that Mr.Johnson is, by the district’s admission, guilty of? By stating the fact that kids also steal? Sure, there are alot of people that steal, but you cannot justofy Johnson’s theft by pointing out everyone else who steals. What kind of logic or morality is this?

As far as the uphill battle, I think it will not be so uphill. I don’t know of anyone, other than the administration within FBISD that will condone theft and discrimination. The evidence on both of these violations by Johnson is easily verified by any outside party that investigates. The district has already admitted that Johnson has stolen. This is a fact. Now I would encourage everyone to report this to the DA, Rodney Ellis, TEA, any any other agency or new media outlet. I guarantee that when these things are investigated, the corruption will be uncovered. Look at the weakness of the cover stories that are being put out by Ms. Simpson, and tell me that this corruption will not be easy to uncover.

Mr. Johnson boss, Tom Carter cannot be left out of covering these actions on the part of Mr. Johnson. He, as a 120,000 a year man, does not have the option of saying that he didn’t know it was going on. Mr. Carter is guilty of this cover up as much as Johnson is guilty of stealing.

aos4567 says:
January 24th, 2009 at 11:30 am (#)

I would have to strongly agree with your position willie. I support you and have read too much lately that seems to bring serious question on the district.

Willie says:
January 24th, 2009 at 11:30 am (#)

The only way that we can be heard is to write to the media outlets, the board members, church leaders, state reps, and any other people that will hear and demand that these actions be investigated and dealt with. We must write the letters and be heard! FBISD is so bold that they have told the tax payer, yes Mr. Johnson stole a little bit, but we counseled him so go away. What arrogance! The district did not report this theft to the proper authorities, as they are required to, nor did they even deal with it appropriately. In the employee handbook, theft is grounds for termination. We must write letters and spread the word of this corruption.

Factually Speaking says:
January 24th, 2009 at 11:31 am (#)

Oh, how I wish I could agree with you, JBB, as being correct and Willie as having made an inappropriate statement. Regrettable, though it is, Willie speaks what most cannot tolerate as the truth.

Kat_Princess says:
January 24th, 2009 at 11:35 am (#)

Okay, first of all Willie, it would be more pleasing to tone yourself as I dignifiably stated for FortBendNow posters to adhere to. Secondly, simply due to the fact that one of my prior posts did not appear to qualify to amplify or relate “to the effect” that it was thus deemed to not post. Conversely, it appears my #19 does…

I shall grant my own justifiable invitation to honor the reasons why it does.

Thank you kindly for listening.

However, I have children at this very moment who are hungry.
Next post will elaborate kindly further. Thank you for your patience kindly.

Willie says:
January 24th, 2009 at 11:58 am (#)

What?? I am lost, sorry.

Factually Speaking says:
January 24th, 2009 at 12:10 pm (#)


Bob Dunn is the only one who has the legitimate authority to moderate comments or state rules for posters to adhere to.

Kat_Princess says:
January 24th, 2009 at 12:14 pm (#)

It is easy to see, your tone for what it is; likewise have a wonderful time proving your “in kind” case. It is quite a shame, the extraordinary efforts some appear to take to justify demeaning someone.

Make love not war.

Willie says:
January 24th, 2009 at 12:15 pm (#)

Thank you Factually Speaking for making this point.

Willie says:
January 24th, 2009 at 12:22 pm (#)

What ever the tone may be, or whatever the agenda may be, this does not factor into the fact that theft has been committed by a member of FBISD administration. The district has already admitted that this theft has occured.Theft has occured plain and simple. If I am presenting a criminal case against someone in a court of law, and the evidence is above and beyond what any reasonable person would doubt, I don’t think a valid defense for the accussed would be “he doesn’t like me” or “He has an agenda against me”. The imaginary agendas or tones against Mr. Johnson are not factors that made Mr. Johnson pull his truck up into a FBISD facility and have it serviced with tax payer dollar. This was Mr. Johnson’s free will. I guess FBISD administration may try next to explain Mr.Johnson’s actions were not under his free will but rather that Martians were controlling his thought process or some other outlandish plot to escape the truth that Mr. Johnson violated the law.

Factually Speaking says:
January 24th, 2009 at 12:30 pm (#)

Bravo, Willie!!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

One would think that anyone with a strong sense of personal responsibility would take this seriously and at least look into it.