FB Sun update (6-16): http://www.hcnonline.com/articles/2010/06/16/fort_bend_sun/news/sws_-_babb_facebook_acct_615.txt
Chronicle Update (6-14): http://www.ultimatefortbend.com/2010/06/trustee-no-pressure-shut-facebook-page#comment-5589
During the recent school board races several of the candidates opened and maintained Facebook political-social networking sites to better reach the public/voters. These sites include areas to blog and discuss current issues involving the school system. After one of the reform minded candidates was elected he decided to keep his Facebook site up and running to stay in touch with his constituents that elected him and others in the district that prefer a direct line to their elected officials.
According to first hand sources, recently the superintendent and another school board member began to suggest taking the web-site down now that the election is over:
"Jim Babb For FBISD-- Ironically, I was recently cautioned about keeping my "blog" up. However, I agree, that it's best to keep the dialogue going. After all.... we were elected to serve as a voice of the community. If we stop listening, we can't very well represent the community (parents, voters, taxpayers, etc.). Thanks for the positive feedback."
Why would school board members and the superintendent encourage less communications with the tax paying public? Is this pattern consistent with local news reports and recent attempts by citizens to attain public information from these same officials as is evidenced by the district's failure to comply with a Texas Attorney General order only last year? FBW applauds any efforts by any public servant to improve public communications and in turn public trust. We congratulate Mr. Babb on his efforts to keep the voting and taxpaying public better informed and we strongly condemn those elected or appointed that would work to silence such endeavors. Two years ago one of the new county commissioners opened a blog-site and has worked to maintain that site in an effort to keep constituents up to date on county matters. Why would FBISD work so hard to keep access from the community at large? Other elected officials have blog-sites...
Let's hope this attitude of separation and silence is short lived.......we will update this piece as needed!
2009 FBISD Tax Hearing (On YouTube)
CLICK HERE FOR THE 2009 FBISD CONTROVERSIAL TAX HEARING (YES THEY ARE RAISING THEM AGAIN--see petition of over 500 district taxpayers asking for board accountability)
--In case anyone missed it they raised the property tax rate again (4th time) in 2010 and more than likely will do so again in 2011 facing another projected 15-20 million dollar budget deficit, according to some media reports.
***NEW*** ..Petition TO STOP THE GSTC (Global Science Museum being planned at the district central office--near $30 million dollar project that superintendent Jenney is pushing): http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/stopthegcst/ (see update below on this apparently ending this project after 2 years)