2009 FBISD Tax Hearing (On YouTube)

CLICK HERE FOR THE 2009 FBISD CONTROVERSIAL TAX HEARING (YES THEY ARE RAISING THEM AGAIN--see petition of over 500 district taxpayers asking for board accountability) --In case anyone missed it they raised the property tax rate again (4th time) in 2010 and more than likely will do so again in 2011 facing another projected 15-20 million dollar budget deficit, according to some media reports. ***NEW*** ..Petition TO STOP THE GSTC (Global Science Museum being planned at the district central office--near $30 million dollar project that superintendent Jenney is pushing): http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/stopthegcst/ (see update below on this apparently ending this project after 2 years)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

How much is FBISD spending on senior administration???

This data is provided as public information and does not include incentive pay or bonuses from the Texas Tribune:

See this link for more: http://www.texastribune.org/library/data/government-employee-salaries/fort-bend-isd/?page=1

See related: http://www.ultimatefortbend.com/2010/03/who-earn-tripple-digit-salaries-fbisd

Stay tuned for more...


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


Why don't we cut from the top ten salaried?
Submitted by anonymouse (not verified) on 03-31-2010 at 04:43 pm.
I wonder if that 247k they pay Jenney is only base pay and not incentives, bonuses or additions? Didn't the last supt get about 200k a year? Is he really worth this considering the amount of debt FBISD now has and the 3 record consecutive deficits?

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Top Ten Salaried
Submitted by Kassie (not verified) on 04-01-2010 at 10:13 am.
I am in agreement, seems the top payers, starting with superintendents should voluntarily take a cut in pay to help preserve the lower paid employees who desperately need their lower paid positions. We continue with the affluent rising and the lower paid being cut out of the picture. We can do better than always reaching to cut jobs of lower paid individuals that cutting top salaries and perks and other unnecessary spending. I know we can do better. Unemployment only last so long and does so much.

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Well someone has to be around to shut of the lights and why not
Submitted by daily (not verified) on 04-01-2010 at 11:27 am.
Well someone has to be around to shut of the lights and why not pay a janitor instead of a high priced central office type.

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Does the governor get that much or the Lt. gov?
Submitted by search_this (not verified) on 03-31-2010 at 04:52 pm.
Does the governor get that much or the Lt. gov?

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The district spokesperson sure does make a lot of money.
Submitted by Anonymouser (not verified) on 03-31-2010 at 06:52 pm.
The district spokesperson sure does make a lot of money.

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she sure does---and she should work harder for her money so we
Submitted by alfonse (not verified) on 04-01-2010 at 12:03 pm.
she sure does---and she should work harder for her money so we should see her face more talking to the media instead of dodging them

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Looks like we are all in the wrong business!
Submitted by LMT (not verified) on 03-31-2010 at 09:50 pm.
Looks like we are all in the wrong business!

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Submitted by educator (not verified) on 03-31-2010 at 10:11 pm.
Some of these salaries make it hard to comment without sounding unprofessional. I think I better not. I am still trying to take it in. Especially since today principals were given the list of teachers who are going to be leaving us. So much sadness. When some administrators are making this much money I do not want hear that we do not have money for basic needs, that children have to walk further to catch a bus, that there is thought of more kids in classrooms, that we do not have money for construction paper, that we cannot afford ink for copiers, that we need the very expensive Data Teams which teachers find useless, that we are not funding new schools with the very successful Reading Recovery and at the top of my list, that we need a 26 MILLION DOLLAR Global Science Center!

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Anonymous said...

Good Point Educator
Submitted by abab (not verified) on 04-01-2010 at 05:27 pm.
Amen Educator! You can say all that again! My child's art teacher only gets a $600 budget! For the WHOLE YEAR! Also, my high schooler doesn't have a desk in 2 of his classes! Can you believe that? And that's before the cutbacks!

As for the bus...longer walking distances for children. I can't imagine a kindergartener having to walk 3 blocks to catch a bus...alone!

Data Teams are a crock! Don't get me started!

Finally, as for the 26 Million Dollar Science Center...let's call it "The Jenney Center", I can't believe the building is "on hold". Get Real! Priorities are majorly messed up and the top administrators need to get back to the basics and remember why they are "paid the big bucks"...for our children!

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technology people
Submitted by never believe e... on 03-31-2010 at 10:50 pm.
According to the Chronicle and other newspaper, this district's technology was so bad a couple of years ago that they couldn't even pay their employees' paychecks on time 30-40% of the time.

I also understand this PeopleSoft system has been around for almost 4 years now and the district is yet to have organized training sessions for its employees - apparently only 4% of district personnel can be considered proficient in it. Yet teachers/others are supposed to use it exclusively for ordering supplies, doing technology assistance requests, etc.? How does that makes sense?

My last concern about technology is that the stability of the district-wide computer network is horrible. I have 2 children in the district that tell me regularly that it "crashes"; teachers I know tell me the frustration of having the same issues occur over and over - but nary a deadline for reports, orders, etc. ever gets moved.

So how can a district with such apparently terrible technology / computer systems be paid so much? What in the world for?

Now, to complain about some of the other big administrative salaries would be ridiculous at this point. Why? Because I have no idea, based on their titles, what exactly they do. Teachers also seem to be mystified by these people and their responsibilities too. So can anyone put in non-education-garbled terminology a description of what these people do? Who knows, maybe they are UNDERPAID?

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I wonder why they never considered across the board pay roll
Submitted by dog_ear (not verified) on 04-01-2010 at 05:49 am.
I wonder why they never considered across the board pay roll backs, including the senior administration before hurting these teachers and their families and why the superintendent let the spending get this bad. You only have to go back 10 months ago to see them pushing ridiculous building projects and pay increases for him and other personnel?

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Submitted by James (not verified) on 04-01-2010 at 08:11 am.
There seem to be way too many people at the top...before cutting teachers they need to consider cutting at least 1 out of 3 of the administrative salaries.

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Submitted by SayWhat (not verified) on 04-01-2010 at 05:52 pm.
"There seem to be way too man people at the top..." Somebody has to be at the top, they can't all be in the middle. That is kind of like saying "50% of Doctors finished in the bottom half of their class in medical school".

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Submitted by Scott (not verified) on 04-01-2010 at 09:08 am.
Good Lord! No wonder they have at 20m shortfall. The problem with todays school districts is they are too administratively top heavy, and those people are way over paid. What the heck does a chief quality and improvement officer do anyway?

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Anonymous said...

the picture for this article on the chron front page is
Submitted by woodland creature (not verified) on 04-01-2010 at 09:40 am.
the picture for this article on the chron front page is inappropriate. the picture shows two students and a teacher. the male student is inappropriately touching the female student by having his arm around her shoulders...that action denotes the male students domination over the female student. the female does not appear to approve of the male touching her in this manner. this is the kind of behavior that zer-tolerance policies should cover in our schools. it is my hope that this male student was punished appropriately with a week suspension or referral to civil police authorities for harassment charges.

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Are you kidding?
Submitted by Wagg (not verified) on 04-01-2010 at 09:56 am.
Are you kidding? This is what is wrong with our country. Too many over sensitive people taking things the wrong way. Grow up, act like an adult and worry about your own business. Since when was it wrong for a male to have his arm around a female?

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It's a stock photo...
Submitted by ABC (not verified) on 04-01-2010 at 10:30 am.
And there's nothing wrong with it. Geesh.

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Distraction post from the central office PR people?
Submitted by daily (not verified) on 04-01-2010 at 11:31 am.
What possible picture are you talking about and why would you post such an off topic post on this thread? Sounds like the classic red herring posts often used to disrupt conversations and debate.

What a useless waste of time.

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Lighten up!
Submitted by Rusman (not verified) on 04-01-2010 at 02:36 pm.
This person is joking, can't you see that?

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maybe they need to learn how to use emoticons to express "jokes"
Submitted by NMT (not verified) on 04-01-2010 at 03:41 pm.
maybe they need to learn how to use emoticons to express "jokes" in a text based environment, don't you think?

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Submitted by 81elcamino on 04-01-2010 at 10:32 am.
comparing these salaries with Katy, FtBend is about $55K behind on superintendent pay as well as the rest of the salaries. What is a CFO, CFI and CEO? i didn't realize that school districts had such positions. since when are school districts in the money business. they don't manufacture anything other than students. they don't make money other than bond elections. they don't deal in a product unless you call students products. last time i checked, students are not products, they are people.
stick to education and quit wasting the taxpayers money

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Maybe this why KISD and FBISD are two of the most debt riddled
Submitted by daily (not verified) on 04-01-2010 at 11:29 am.
Maybe this why KISD and FBISD are two of the most debt riddled districts and rank in the top ten in the state for this? It isn't free money after-all.

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Anonymous said...

Submitted by Interested Observer (not verified) on 04-01-2010 at 10:52 am.
If they cut a few of the CFO, CIO, Etc. they could keep teachers. Since the average teacher is earning about 40 grandish a year. Cut 3 of the top positions and you could keep about 9 teachers. Perhaps the superintendant could cut $100,000 from his salary and keep 2 1/2 teachers. I would think that teachers to teach the kids would be more important that some of these ad building people. Since the US ranks 38th in the world in education. And studies show that a GOOD class size for the students being able to learn is between 22 & 25 having 30 plus kids in a room doesn't make sense.

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Average teacher salary is not "40 grandish a year". None are
Submitted by CheckTheFacts (not verified) on 04-01-2010 at 09:40 pm.
Average teacher salary is not "40 grandish a year". None are even allow to make 40 grand. The starting salary for a teacher is 44,500, and they are guaranteed a raise every year via the step system. According to the Texas Tribune site, average salary for someone with a title of "teacher" in Texas is $50,140.

Click on any teacher position at Fort Bend ISD and you will see the pay ranges for teachers with that title. Considering they work 190 days a year, and are guaranteed a raise every year, that is not too bad.

Some ROTC teachers at Fort Bend ISD make 90,000+.

If you look at other Districts OBJECTIVELY, Fort Bend ISD is not that out of line in salary. Cy-Fair, Katy, Round Rock and most other large districts seem to be about the same. Dallas ISD is much more, as well as Lewisville.

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Nothing like a PR administrator to get a hold of the threads and
Submitted by anonymouse (not verified) on 04-02-2010 at 06:39 am.
Nothing like a PR administrator to get a hold of the threads and counter spin for her boss. What a joke. Since when is 44-45 not 40ish?

What a joke. Go back and hide in the comm. office and defend some more vendors.

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Submitted by cc (not verified) on 04-01-2010 at 12:37 pm.
Elementary & middle school principals earning over $100,000?! Ridiculous! Every salary posted is over-the-top for the job.

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Cut back on the legal department too...
Submitted by NMT (not verified) on 04-01-2010 at 01:21 pm.
I think the senior administrative salaries should be adjusted if they are going to hit the teachers so hard and then stop feeding the voracious appetites of these large district vendors in these closed bid systems set-up by the TASB affiliates and perpetuated by their local lobbyist-lawyers (some serving within the school system).

BTW, how much are we paying the legal department for their district services and keeping documents away from a requesting public?????

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Feldman's billing records?
Submitted by NMT (not verified) on 04-01-2010 at 01:23 pm.
PS I wonder if Feldman, the attorney for the district that keeps the documents away from public disclosure, and the author of the "RIF" (Reduction in force of 400+ educators) took into consideration his departments budget???? I wonder if he reduced his billing or increased it this cycle. Maybe someone should make another TPIA on his billing records too!

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high salaries
Submitted by opinionated (not verified) on 04-01-2010 at 01:58 pm.
i think cuts need to start at the top. . . not the bottom. some of these - lots of these people are not deserving of such high salaries. there's been a party going on in the offices of Fort Bend Independent School to which many of the principals have been invited. It's time that people earned what they deserved and all the partying at the expense of tax payers needs TO STOP NOW and forever. Who's responsible to reevaluate position salaries????

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Anonymous said...

We need to get back to basics
Submitted by redwood (not verified) on 04-01-2010 at 02:02 pm.
The truth be told the IT department is understaff, underpaid, and overworked, it is due to poor management with no leadership skill and not well qualified or not qualified at all. Management has missed used there budget for the past 8 years. They provide limited training or no training. They plan for it but they fall by the waist side. How many managers has a business degree ? Leaders groom leaders not followers.

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Submitted by redwood who (not verified) on 04-01-2010 at 02:39 pm.
Although I agree about the understaffed part, you don't make much sense after that. Also, what does a business degree have to do with it? There are people in IT with master degrees and can't even handle projects efficiently. Why really on degrees , rather rely on experience and knowledge.

p.s. Learn to type and articulate better.

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Living in Harmony
Submitted by Carlita Longus (not verified) on 04-01-2010 at 02:22 pm.
Why can't we all get along?

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I'm sick of paying so much in property taxes for incompetence!
Submitted by zoom (not verified) on 04-01-2010 at 03:48 pm.
I hope you are making a joke carlita but it isn't a good time for it given the thousands of families impacted by these unnecessary cuts and the school children being impacted by them because of greedy district vendors, over spending and poor management under Tim Jenney. Do you realize this guy was brought here by the special interest and has been the first big figure supt to wreck our budget and place us in the top ten in the state for bond debt at nearly 1.7 billion?

I say Jenney has to go before he does anymore damage and tell him to take his side-kick enforcer Feldman with him. I'm sick of paying so much in property taxes for incompetence!

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The hardworking groundkeepers are being replaced by contractors.
Submitted by AnonymousTX on 04-01-2010 at 03:06 pm.
The hardworking groundkeepers are being replaced by contractors. The custodians are next...

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Submitted by Gordo (not verified) on 04-01-2010 at 03:29 pm.

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Submitted by ishotthedeputy (not verified) on 04-01-2010 at 03:09 pm.
We have people in IT that have Masters degrees that cannot do basic troubleshooting, leave alone handle projects.The I.T department in general, needs to be revamped, people need to be trained and salaries need to be balanced across the board.Some people are more knowledgeable, work harder but are the least compensated.The whole pay grade structure needs to be analyzed and revisited from the ground up,so that there is a steady balance in skill sets and compensation providing room for growth for individuals and making it a pleasant workplace for all in unison. Happy Easter !!!!!

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Anonymous said...

Submitted by A (not verified) on 04-01-2010 at 03:31 pm.
my sons school principal makes over $100,000 per year and she cant even email parents back when questions are asked of her? his teacher makes $40,000 and she bends over backwards for the parents. I think since it is my tax $$$ at work the parents should have input. Like a preformance review....and also should have a vote on this $26 million science center.

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Great point a!!!
Submitted by abab (not verified) on 04-01-2010 at 04:51 pm.
Great point a....I agree!

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No ones teacher makes $40,000/year. She would start off at
Submitted by CheckTheFacts (not verified) on 04-01-2010 at 09:48 pm.
No ones teacher makes $40,000/year. She would start off at 44,500 for her first year.

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I see fact checker (admin PR?) so no one can use averages. Like
Submitted by anonymouse (not verified) on 04-02-2010 at 06:37 am.
I see fact checker (admin PR?) so no one can use averages. Like I can't say Jenney is pulling a base salary of say 250k?

You are getting tiresome. Go back and ask your boss what to say next.

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Good point "A". Many of these vendor projects should be placed
Submitted by zoom (not verified) on 04-01-2010 at 03:50 pm.
Good point "A". Many of these vendor projects should be placed on the ballot for us to vote on!

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If you all want change you have to vote in Alumbaugh and Babb,
Submitted by anonymouse (not verified) on 04-01-2010 at 03:51 pm.
If you all want change you have to vote in Alumbaugh and Babb, otherwise you will get more of the same from Jenny and his gang!

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Another thing to keep in mind...
Submitted by Anonymous1298 (not verified) on 04-01-2010 at 04:56 pm.
When looking at these salaries and making comparisons, take into account that the contract length may or may not be listed next to the position. A case in point would be a teacher (who has a contract length of 187 days) that gets paid $50,000 is making roughly the same as an administrator that works a 242 day contract getting paid $65,000.

Anonymous said...

Since I can't edit the above
Submitted by Anonymous1298 (not verified) on 04-01-2010 at 04:57 pm.
I mean if you look at it per day or per hour.

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That really isn't a fair comparison at all since teachers
Submitted by anon15 (not verified) on 04-01-2010 at 06:57 pm.
That really isn't a fair comparison at all since teachers contracts are only for the time they do work and come with no guarantees of future work. Teachers do not get paid during the summer months while administrators do when things are pretty quiet around the campuses.

Now stop trying to make this about teachers versus administrators, it isn't. It is about incompetent leadership, vendor feeding and wasteful spending by senior central office leadership and now the personnel are paying for their mistakes.

Do you realize 3 out of the last 5 years Jenney hasn't been able to balance a budget while raising our taxes? Jenney is the problem!

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to anon15 above... Actually to compare day to day salary is the
Submitted by CheckTheFacts (not verified) on 04-01-2010 at 09:56 pm.
to anon15 above...

Actually to compare day to day salary is the only "fair" way. When the overpaid salaries of administrators is being discussed (look at the discussions, it is the main topic), it is only fair to note that administrators work 30-60 days more a year than teachers.

A first year teacher makes about 234/day, which according to the Pay Scales on the FBISD website, is more than many administrator starting salaries.

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Actually "fact-checker" that is your opinion and not a fact. I
Submitted by anonymouse (not verified) on 04-02-2010 at 06:33 am.
Actually "fact-checker" that is your opinion and not a fact. I would tend to agree with the notion that districts slow down quite a bit in the summer months and I know quite a few admins that work in the district and love being paid for summer time work. No, I would say comparing those that are paid during the summer months for lighter loads and those that are not paid is not a fair comparison in my opinion, but it makes good PR spin if you enjoy that sort of thing.

Now get back on topic. This is about vendor feeding and over-spending and how it has caused this personnel and budget crisis declared by Jenney/Feldman and the district so they could RIF the classroom instructors as they like and put the hurt on the community that pays those extravagant salaries and bonuses for him along with the special deal he got on his home.

Paying this guy more for poor performance reminds me of the golden parachutes they gave out during the banking bailout of GW!

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Submitted by abab (not verified) on 04-01-2010 at 05:16 pm.
I would like to make a few comments:

1. Dr. Tim Jenney will be receiving a 2% PAY RAISE! Does anyone realize that? Funny how the district is keeping THAT “hush hush”. We are loosing teachers, assistant principals, and grounds workers but the top dog GETS A RAISE. Comical!

2. I wonder how many positions Dr. Jenney “created” or “filled” with his personal buddies? There has been much talk since he came to Sugar Land regarding how many friends he found jobs for…..maybe some of the top administrators. Hmmm……

It is clear an investigation needs to happen. Our tax dollars are not paying for this. People – from the hard working teacher to the nice grounds guy – will be loosing income, loosing their lively hood, and loosing a means to survive. All the while, Dr. Jenney gets a nice pay raise. Way to go!

Anonymous said...

" All the while, Dr. Jenney gets a nice pay raise. Way to
Submitted by anonymouse (not verified) on 04-01-2010 at 06:31 pm.
" All the while, Dr. Jenney gets a nice pay raise. Way to go!"

That does stink abab!

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Anyone sorted ISD's on this list by average salary?
Submitted by CheckTheFacts (not verified) on 04-01-2010 at 10:05 pm.
Click this link (http://www.texastribune.org/library/data/government-employee-salaries/se...) and then click "median salary". Fort Bend ISD is currently 15th on the list of 17 schools.

It would seem Fort Bend ISD does not pay, on average, as well as many other districts. This does not seem to corroborate what many are saying here about positions being overpaid.

Surly if the admin positions were being overpaid the way people claim on here, Fort Bend ISD would be much higher on this list.

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Median is the middle salary if you lined them all up in order,
Submitted by clarification (not verified) on 04-01-2010 at 10:19 pm.
Median is the middle salary if you lined them all up in order, not the average...that would be the mean.

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Dump the chaff!
Submitted by anonymouse (not verified) on 04-02-2010 at 06:27 am.
Actually "fact-check" (fbisd admin?) the TASB study reported that they had too many senior level administrators, I know because I read the report. Doing the salary comparison spin like you did is just a misdirection play and you are correct, this is a problem in many districts across the state. It's time to unload and consolidate during these tough times but NOT the classroom instructors and support personnel. Maybe they could pair down the communications office a bit too and the legal dept.

It's time to dump the chaff!

Anonymous said...
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