Teachers bombarded with meetings, their lunchtime stolen
During a Fort Bend school board meeting Monday night, Karrie Washenfelder, president of Fort Bend Employee Federation, which is a teacher union, urged school officials to stop bugging teachers with "excessive" meetings. . .
...said the half-hour duty-free lunch also is protected by the state law. She added:
"How sad that our teachers teaching bell-to-bell, overburdened with meetings before and after school, stuck with bus duty, hall duty, and lunch duty, can't have a 30-minute duty-free lunch?"
Get the full piece at: http://blogs.chron.com/fortbend/archives/2008/12/union_teachers.html
2009 FBISD Tax Hearing (On YouTube)
CLICK HERE FOR THE 2009 FBISD CONTROVERSIAL TAX HEARING (YES THEY ARE RAISING THEM AGAIN--see petition of over 500 district taxpayers asking for board accountability)
--In case anyone missed it they raised the property tax rate again (4th time) in 2010 and more than likely will do so again in 2011 facing another projected 15-20 million dollar budget deficit, according to some media reports.
***NEW*** ..Petition TO STOP THE GSTC (Global Science Museum being planned at the district central office--near $30 million dollar project that superintendent Jenney is pushing): http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/stopthegcst/ (see update below on this apparently ending this project after 2 years)