“It was a tough budget year and there was just nobody there to see to the needs of the department,” another officer said. “He made it pretty clear that this isn’t where he wants to be; all the officers know it. It’s had to have much respect for that.”
One district staffer said the blame for the situation should be shared with Superintendent Dr. Timothy Jenney and other top administrators for allowing it to happen.
“For all intents and purposes, Chief Campbell has been running a campaign out of his (district) officer for the better part of the year and nobody said anything,” the staffer said. “It was the worst-kept secret in the district and if the superintendent claims he didn’t know about it, he’s either not being truthful or he’s totally out of touch.” FBN
Get the full story at: http://fortbendnow.com/pages/full_story?article-Fort-Bend-ISD-Police-Chief-Loses-In-Race-For-Galveston-Sheriff-%20=&hash=comments_347983&page_label=home&id=347983&widget=push&open=comments_347983
2009 FBISD Tax Hearing (On YouTube)
CLICK HERE FOR THE 2009 FBISD CONTROVERSIAL TAX HEARING (YES THEY ARE RAISING THEM AGAIN--see petition of over 500 district taxpayers asking for board accountability)
--In case anyone missed it they raised the property tax rate again (4th time) in 2010 and more than likely will do so again in 2011 facing another projected 15-20 million dollar budget deficit, according to some media reports.
***NEW*** ..Petition TO STOP THE GSTC (Global Science Museum being planned at the district central office--near $30 million dollar project that superintendent Jenney is pushing): http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/stopthegcst/ (see update below on this apparently ending this project after 2 years)
Thursday, November 6, 2008
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Comments coming in from local blogs on this:
« theSHADOW wrote on Thursday, Nov 06 at 08:45 PM »
Come on now, give it up. Pape is a very seasoned and experienced reporter and you apparently are the chief.
« familymanfb wrote on Thursday, Nov 06 at 08:11 PM »
I work for Chief Campbell and can tell you that he is not the man that this article is trying to make him out to be. Everyone loves a scandal however, this author just wasted a bunch of his time writing this garbage to help some poor soul with their agenda.
I also love how the "nameless" employees try to belittle the superintendent to ensure the Chief would catch heat of some sort. I hope they feel good about themselves now.
« theSHADOW wrote on Thursday, Nov 06 at 04:27 PM »
"What you don't know, (because those who write articles in newspapers are usually only those with a grudge and have been in so much trouble they are lucky to even have a job) is that Chief Campbell is a family first kind of Chief." Boy if this isn't a staged post I don't know what is. Sure is entertaining though.
« fbisdpdjustoneofficer wrote on Thursday, Nov 06 at 04:08 PM »
I am just one officer for the Fort Bend ISD Police Department but many if not most are happy. If they weren't they would move to another department where they would be paid more money. It is no secret FBISD police officers are not paid well. In this economy there is not much he can do and he can't do it alone anyway, it would take FBISD to push for that too.
What you don't know, (because those who write articles in newspapers are usually only those with a grudge and have been in so much trouble they are lucky to even have a job) is that Chief Campbell is a family first kind of Chief. How does that help the students of FBISD? Have you ever heard of taking care of your employees and they will take care of you? He is one man and one department/division of FBISD. He has worked hard for FBISD and will continue to do so.
Would we all like more money! Yes. Would we all like better equipment? Yes! Wouldn't you?
I currently work in the office where the Chief Campbell works. I have before during and after this election and the one prior. Chief Campbell has never run a campaign from FBISD or any FBISD office. I am sure any candidate running for office could be accused of the same.
Not paying attention during his election? What was it he just did for the officers of FBISD moving contracts from 242 to 226...did he have to fight for us? Nope, but he did during the middle of him running for Sheriff. Any FBISD Police officer if they are telling the truth will tell you what a big deal this was. He just ensured we too can spend time with our families on holidays.
Furthermore, any employee of Chief J.L. Campbell who has actually sat down and spoken to him face to face can tell you, all you have to ask for help and you will get it. If he does not know you need help, how do you expect him to help?
For the officers in this article...if you checked your sources you might find a heck of a disciplinary recorded attached to them. Reader beware...
I am sorry Chief J.L. Campbell did not make Sheriff of Galveston County as we ALL have personal and professional goals, but it is to the benefit of Fort Bend ISD that he is still with us!
« enoughisenough wrote on Friday, Nov 07 at 10:59 AM »
I wonder if the person that reported this was in line for his job if he made sheriff?
« bLoGwArRiOr wrote on Friday, Nov 07 at 10:07 AM »
Wouldn't it be a violation of Texas election law for Campbell to use his tax supported job and any of its resources for his election bid? Looks like an ethics complaint could be filed regarding all this.
« enoughisenough wrote on Friday, Nov 07 at 09:25 AM »
Fort Bend is the 6 largest school district in the state, so you cant tell me you can just put a school district that large on auto pilot for a year. And if that was true, then why did he only take off 6 days during the critical time right before the election when he has been there long enough to take off more.
Also, during all the time that he has been with FBISD all we have heard is good things about him and his department. We just can’t believe you would allow one or two employee’s out of 50 officers and over 100 civilian personnel to try and destroy his reputation.
« newbie wrote on Friday, Nov 07 at 07:42 AM »
I wonder if FBISD suppresses reported crime the way it is being discussed and investigated in HISD?
« SiennaEducator wrote on Friday, Nov 07 at 02:58 PM »
FBISDPOLICEJUSTONEOFFICER- you must be one of the "elite" read as "KA" his lil' family- Everyone knows that the turnover in the district is attrocious, that the hourly pay while equal to most crappy school police around is not as much as most municipal departments, that he keeps a cadre of favorites around- that if you dissent you are sent to ice station zebra and that morale in general is low.
Also- Chief Campbell didn't change the contract time, it was recommended by a TASB salary study the district was forced to commission by the school board and the teacher's union. Maybe that's you Chief Campbell, typing on blogs when you should be out stopping the shenanigans of the lil' thugs populating our schools.
« scoutwatch wrote on Friday, Nov 07 at 01:41 PM »
The reason people do not leave is because they want the weekends and time off. It is hard to find a law enforcement acencies where you can have these kind of days off. Fort Bend ISD PD is the most poor looking department i have ever seen. I have never seen a department where the officers have to drive around 10 - 15 year old vehicles that are not equiped to do their jobs. The departmnet does not even provide officers with equipment to do their jobs. The department is ran very very very poor. A new chief in my opinion is much needed.
« resol wrote on Friday, Nov 07 at 01:22 PM »
You might get more information and forms from the TEC by following this site http://www.ethics.state.tx.us/main/enforcement.htm
« theSHADOW wrote on Friday, Nov 07 at 11:48 AM »
warrior, how would they go about filing a legal complaint regarding such actions?
I sure would like to see the district police dept. run independently of the district administration.
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