2009 FBISD Tax Hearing (On YouTube)

CLICK HERE FOR THE 2009 FBISD CONTROVERSIAL TAX HEARING (YES THEY ARE RAISING THEM AGAIN--see petition of over 500 district taxpayers asking for board accountability) --In case anyone missed it they raised the property tax rate again (4th time) in 2010 and more than likely will do so again in 2011 facing another projected 15-20 million dollar budget deficit, according to some media reports. ***NEW*** ..Petition TO STOP THE GSTC (Global Science Museum being planned at the district central office--near $30 million dollar project that superintendent Jenney is pushing): http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/stopthegcst/ (see update below on this apparently ending this project after 2 years)

Friday, March 7, 2008

Tunstall Files For Missouri City Council!

From FortBendWeb:

Tunstall To Make Another Run At Missouri City Council

It has been brought to our attention that Kevin Tunstall, a local healthcare business owner and former district C council candidate, has filed to run in the May 10th city council races for the position 2 at large seat currently held by long-time incumbent Buddy Jimerson. He joins Harvey Willie (30) also of Missouri City in challenging for the seat.

Tunstall ran on a platform in 2007 and was narrowly defeated, after Bob Burton vacated his district C seat, by an Owen backed candidate. He advocated for lower taxes, fiscal responsibility, demanded a repeal of the cities controversial infrastructure ordinance (46-4), wanted a full review of the contract with the Blue Ridge Landfill Co. with the city, especially the non-opposition sections preventing the council from opposing the proposed 20 story expansion of the facility, and campaigned for improved parity in development, opposing tax increment reinvestment zones for select commercial developers in prime areas, many who had reportedly made regular campaign contributions to the mayor and several current and past council members, giving off the perception of potential conflicts of interest as well as was very concerned about the loss of Herman Hospital at the end of 2006.

When asked why he is seeking this seat, Tunstall responded, "because the current mayor and council have lost touch with the community they serve and are no longer living up to their obligations to ALL of the city".

To get more on these or other candidates, please click the title link above or visit:






Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Related area blog comments:

« Muckraker wrote on Monday, Mar 10 at 04:06 PM »
“This year can bring about a change if most people really want a change to come. ”

If they don’t want change and the continued crisis by mgmt, disinformation and failed policies, that the current leadership offers, then by all means keep the incumbents in that keep the special taxing zones in place for their contributors that we all pay for. I strongly urge anyone against ethics, reform and honesty to GET OUT AND VOTE FOR THE INCUMBENTS who have been in power for decades!

« getreal wrote on Monday, Mar 10 at 03:08 PM »
This year can bring about a change if most people really want a change to come. Hopefully these grassroots efforts will produce more voter turn out instead of more voter apathy.

Residents of Missouri City are tired of being disrespected and misused by the city council. The mayor and his cronies do not dictate how the community will vote and should be very careful when thinking that they have that type of control and can pull the strings of our community. They might be shocked and a bit surprised at how others perceive them and their games. This year may very well be their last and Missouri City will finally be able to reach it’s full potential.
« joeschmoe wrote on Monday, Mar 10 at 02:10 PM »
I support all of these candidates

I will vote for all of these new candidates

I will ask everyone I know to vote for these candidates

It wont do any good, First colony, as I said,, is lazy and wont vote.. The mayor has too many special interest groups who are behind him and his boys. The same happened in the last election, too much voter apathey ,, to much lazyness, too much special interest, too much Oewn and his buckeroos.
« EYESWIDEOPEN wrote on Monday, Mar 10 at 12:50 PM »

« Muckraker wrote on Monday, Mar 10 at 11:52 AM »
Give them hell Kevin!



Anonymous said...


« EYESWIDEOPEN wrote on Monday, Mar 10 at 05:16 PM »
we are seeing a major awakening in our country as a whole…even here in Mo City…..people are realizing the need for change. I for one realize the time is NOW. Kevin has been speaking out for at least 2 years and has rallied a few other good men to want to make the change in City Council. Please get out and vote this May. A majority vote in City Council is needed for any changes to be made….Let’s clean City Council out and make these changes happen now.
« Muckraker wrote on Monday, Mar 10 at 03:39 PM »
We spent much of this weekend organizing and walking houses, much like the last few, the homes and streets in the subdivision we were in had inadequate streets that have long been neglected along with the same curb and side-walk issues that First Colony has. Obviously this is something that has been neglected for some time in many areas of the city by the current administration. What seems to create a further problem is when the city votes in these special taxing zones for prime commercial areas for their special interest contributors on hwy 6 near the city limits (costing all of us), or when they failed to protect the public with regards to signing off on not opposing the expansion of the Blue Ridge Landfill, which recorded highly toxic barium leaks in ‘05. Enough is enough and when elected official violate the public trust it is time for them to be replaced. Examine the campaign disclosure reports for Owen, Jimerson and Wyatt compare it to their voting record and support of 3 tax increases just last year…..you will come to the same conclusion!

Visit: http://mcelectioninformation.blogspot.com for more on the challengers and their efforts over the last several years to restore integrity to public office and their support of term limits and REAL ethics!

Go Poats, Tunstall and Pinnock, keep the fires burning! We will keep walking!

Anonymous said...

« Muckraker wrote on Tuesday, Mar 11 at 06:10 AM »
“City has while Tunstall is a fiscal conservative. Look at the Council voting records, Jimerson is always voting for the big contracts.”

Not only that but big J has continued to vote to increase taxes and to create these wonderful special interest taxing zones for those he has done business with. It is time for “Operation Clean Sweep”. Vote out the tax and spend special interests boys (“corporate welfare queens”)...
« FirstColonyGuy wrote on Monday, Mar 10 at 07:52 PM »
This is going to be one exciting election! Tunstall has really captured in this campaign statement some of the biggest problems that Missouri City faces. The race for the At Large Position 2 is going to deal with the real issues that residents have with the Council and how the City is run. Tunstall and Jimerson are almost direct opposites. Jimerson leads the charge in the Council to spend the contract monies that the City has while Tunstall is a fiscal conservative. Look at the Council voting records, Jimerson is always voting for the big contracts.

Many residents would like to see lower taxes in Missouri City but they’ll never get them if Jimerson continues as a Councilmember. Look at the issues before the Council and take a gut check as to who’s responsible. I have yet to witness Jimerson do anything responsible to help the Missouri City community besides making sure that his recommended contracts get through.
« Muckraker wrote on Monday, Mar 10 at 05:56 PM »
“This city council has made Missouri City look very unattractive to families that are looking for a home with attractive businesses, job growth, high ranking schools, and competitive tax rates.”

They’ve even done a bit to drive some families out. When some have gone before the council to address the ethics, they have been attacked verbally and even seen attempts to silence them. A new council will welcome ideas and work with respect for their citizens, not attempt to silence them and provide misinformation as was the recent case at the last council session. See:

http://www.fortbendnow.com/pages/full_story?article-MoCity-Press-Release-Incident-Unfortunate-Say-City-Representatives =&page_label=news&id=21570&widget=push&instance=home_news_bullets&open=&

You will never see an Owen/Jimerson or Wyatt admission on something as staged as this was. I was in attendance as were many others who witnessed this PR show…
« getreal wrote on Monday, Mar 10 at 05:17 PM »
This city council has made Missouri City look very unattractive to families that are looking for a home with attractive businesses, job growth, high ranking schools, and competitive tax rates.

Missouri City council has spent years tearing down our city and turning it into a complete mess giving us poor service and a higher tax rate than Sugarland.

Now we need respectful individuals with high morale to serve our growing city, ones without their hands in special interest pockets looking out for their own special needs and leaving the residents of this city to fend for themselves.

Maybe after all of these years of just sitting through the picnics and the taste tests your minds have just become a bit stale and are not functioning as they should, so how could we expect you to make rational decisions regarding our residents and our cities future.

Should we continue to sit back ignorantly and watch you parade our tax dollars and play with the values of our homes. Every year around this time,(election time) you make us new promises that end up in the grave.

Stop trying to sweet talk Quail Valley residents into thinking that you have offered them a so called sweet deal, when you know very well the decisions that you have made regarding the country club in years past have come back to haunt you. You were the very ones that initially got them into this mess to begin with.

You are not doing them any favors as you like to say the bail out method, ironically speaking they are really the ones keeping you above water.

Anonymous said...

Go Tunstall!