2009 FBISD Tax Hearing (On YouTube)

CLICK HERE FOR THE 2009 FBISD CONTROVERSIAL TAX HEARING (YES THEY ARE RAISING THEM AGAIN--see petition of over 500 district taxpayers asking for board accountability) --In case anyone missed it they raised the property tax rate again (4th time) in 2010 and more than likely will do so again in 2011 facing another projected 15-20 million dollar budget deficit, according to some media reports. ***NEW*** ..Petition TO STOP THE GSTC (Global Science Museum being planned at the district central office--near $30 million dollar project that superintendent Jenney is pushing): http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/stopthegcst/ (see update below on this apparently ending this project after 2 years)

Monday, March 31, 2008

Friday, March 28, 2008

FBN Reports On FBEF Candidates Forum

Fort Bend Employee Federation Hosts Candidate Forum
by John Pape, FortBendNow

Four of the six candidates for seats on the Fort Bend ISD board of trustees fielded questions at a candidates’ forum sponsored by the Fort Bend Employee Federation Thursday evening.

Position 5 incumbent Laurie Caldwell and challenger Jonita Reynolds were joined by Position 4 candidate Rodrigo Carreon and Position 1 candidate Susan Hohnbaum in responding to a series of questions prepared by the federation, as well as some inquiries from the audience.

Carreon’s opponent for the Position 4 spot, Daniel Menendez, was out of town and unable to attend, but submitted written answers to a series of 10 questions provided to all candidates in advance. . .

Jonita Reynolds and Daniel Menendez, if elected, would place 3 seats in control of one subdivision. Menendez was the candidate that dropped out in '07 and endorsed co-Sienna Plantation resident and current board member D. Reitz. We will update this at intervals.

Get more of the article at:


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

FBISD: Carreon Will Remain On The Ballot

This FBW exclusive just into FBISDWatchdogs:

After an extensive interview with Rodrigo Carreon, candidate for school board running against Daniel Menendez for the position 4 at large seat currently held by retiring board president Cindy Knox, it has been brought to our attention that school officials will not challenge his position on the ballot. This became an issue over the last two weeks when the Fresno/Arcola area water board appeared to be questioning whether or not Carreon could appear on both ballots. No legal challenge has been issued by either the water board or the school district office as of this posting.

One primary concern of the watchdogs was if the water board or school district was successful at pressuring Mr. Carreon off the ballot then there was a great possibility of one subdivision ending up with 3 seated board members thus creating an effective block of votes involving property owners taxes and bond/debt use.

See post below this one for background on this local controversy and stay tuned as we update this blog...

FBN piece just out: http://www.fortbendnow.com/pages/full_story?article-Carreon-Will-Remain-On-Two-Ballots-For-May-10-Election%20=&page_label=home&id=54606&widget=push&instance=home_news_bullets&open=&

Monday, March 24, 2008

FBISD May Try To Block Carreon (Non-EDC) Candidacy!

Get the full story at Fort Bend Now:




Important Dates Coming Up!

Important Dates Coming Up!

March 29 - Fort Bend Education Schlumberger Education Expedition

March 31 - Regular School Board Meeting - 7:00 PM

April 14 - Regular School Board Meeting - 7:00 PM

April 28 - Regular School Board Meeting - 7:00 PM

April 28 - Early voting begins for the May 10 Trustee Election

May 5 - Regular School Board Meeting - 7:00 PM

May 6 - Last day to vote early for the May 10 Trustee Election

May 9 - Student Holiday - Campus Staff Development Day

May 10 - Trustee Election Day

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Visit http://mcelectioninformation.blogspot.com For More On Local Elections!

Visit the link above for more on local school board and other elections of interest...

Monday, March 17, 2008

Fort Bend Independent News Covers Missouri City Elections & School Board Races (click the title link)

This comment on the coming school board race was posted on a local blog. We thought it was interesting enough to confirm and repost here (from FBN):

"An interesting side note to the FBISD BOT elections is the possibility of the Sienna Plantation subdivision having 3 school board members serving after this next May 10th election. All 3 would have close ties with the public relations people for the company that developed that community.


Would Single-member school districts have allowed this potential domination by any one subdivision in such a large district?


Two of the current candidates from the Sienna subdivision actually live just a few streets from each other."

Story from FBI (Fort Bend Independent) on coming BOT and city races:


Upcoming Dates!

Important Dates Coming Up!

March 29 - Fort Bend Education Schlumberger Education Expedition

March 31 - Regular School Board Meeting - 7:00 PM

April 14 - Regular School Board Meeting - 7:00 PM

April 28 - Regular School Board Meeting - 7:00 PM

April 28 - Early voting begins for the May 10 Trustee Election

May 5 - Regular School Board Meeting - 7:00 PM

May 6 - Last day to vote early for the May 10 Trustee Election

May 9 - Student Holiday - Campus Staff Development Day

May 10 - Trustee Election Day

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Board and Developers At Odds Over Land Sale In Sienna

From FortBendNow:

FBISD Trustees Approve $3.35 Million Land Purchase
by John Pape, FortBendNow

Fort Bend ISD trustees approved the purchase of a total of 77 acres of property from H.W. Sienna L.P. for more than $3.35 million, but not without some hard questioning of Superintendent Timothy Jenney and some scolding of the seller by one trustee.

The sale of the two parcels of land, 62 acres and 15 acres, at a cost of $1 per square foot came only two week after trustees voted to buy 110 acres from Hannover Estates at a cost of $5.3 million. While discussions of both sales occurred in closed executive session as allowed by state law, it became apparent during the public approval discussion that there were some apparent hard feelings between the district and H.W. Sienna over the deal.

During the open discussion it was revealed that the Hannover site was the board’s second choice, but H.W. Sienna’s asking price for the preferred location was too high. Only after the board approved the purchase of the Hannover property did H.W. Sienna come back to the table and lower their price.

Jenny told trustees that H.W. Sienna’s initial price was $1.15 per square foot, but after the board approved the Hannover purchase that price was dropped by $503,118 to $3,354,120.

The property, which is located south of the end of Sienna Parkway, would be used for future campus sites, possibly including a high school, two elementary schools or an alternative center. A final decision on which facilities would be located on the site will not take place until after a 60-day feasibility study has been completed.

Jenney said that the Hannover site, which is located off of FM 521 in the Arcola area, would still be useful to the district.

“We would use the property for other educational purposes,” Jenney said. “We feel this is a good investment.”

During a series of pointed questions about the purchase, Board President Cynthia Knox asked if the price was the only driving factor behind Jenney’s recommendation that the board approve buying the additional site. Jenney said that the decision was primarily economic, but the preferred location was also a factor.

Commenting on the proposal, Trustee Steve Smelley scolded a representative of H.W. Sienna for the way the company handled the negotiations.

“The process that we’ve gone through has been the most agonizing process that I’ve seen in my 9 years on this board,” Smelley said. . . get the full story at: http://www.fortbendnow.com/pages/full_story?page_label=home&id=22145&article-FBISD-Trustees-Approve--3-35-Million-Land-Purchase%20=&widget=push&instance=home_news_bullets&open=&

FBN: Candidates File For School Board

Knox Does Not File For Re-Election, Magee And Caldwell Seek Another Board Term
by John Pape, FortBendNow

Ending weeks of speculation that she would not seek re-election, current Fort Bend ISD board president Cynthia Knox let yesterday’s filing deadline pass without registering as a candidate.

Two current trustees, Stan Magee and Laurie Caldwell, did file for re-election to their respective seats.

Magee, who holds the Position 1 seat on the board representing the western part of the district, will face Susan Hohnbaum of Sugar Land. Magee is a retired educator while Hohnbaum listed her occupation as an administrative manager.

Caldwell, the Position 5 incumbent representing the eastern part of the district, drew an opponent in Dr. Jonita Reynolds of Missouri City. Caldwell gave her occupation as a small business owner/teacher and Reynolds listed her occupation as a chief executive officer.

Knox’s at-large Position 4 seat drew two candidates. Daniel Menendez, an engineer from Missouri City will face off against Rodrigo Carreon, an electrician from Fresno.

Carreon was recently an unsuccessful candidate for the Democratic nomination for Fort Bend County Precinct 1 Commissioner. . . (get the full story at: http://fortbendnow.com/pages/full_story?page_label=home&id=22139&article-Knox-Does-Not-File-For-Re-Election--Magee-And-Caldwell-Seek-Another-Board-Term%20=&widget=push&instance=home_news_bullets&open=&)

No Debate Or Discussion At BOT Meeting Over Borrowing Against Future Bond (Debt) Sales-

Fort Bend school district approves land purchases
New high school planned for Sienna Plantation area

Houston Chronicle

Two weeks after earmarking $5.3 million to acquire 110 acres in east Fort Bend County, the Fort Bend school board Monday night decided to buy another 77 acres in the vicinity for future campuses.

With Trustees Bob Broxson and Stan Magee absent, the school board OK'd $3.4 million — $1 per square foot — to purchase two tracts, one 62 acres and the other 15 acres south of the Sienna Plantation development from H.W. Sienna, L.P. The tracts are south of where Sienna Parkway ends.

Superintendent Tim Jenney said the landowner, which which was asking $1.15 per square foot for the tracts, agreed to slash the total cost by $503,118.

Jenney said school officials are eyeing the land approved Monday night for a new high school, which they hope to open in 2010, and reserve the remaining land for future facility needs.

"It's getting more difficult to acquire land as time goes by," Jenney said. "These tracts of land will provide us with an inventory of property for our future needs."

On Feb. 25, trustees approved the purchase of three tracts — of 65, 30 and 15 acres — located east of FM 521 and south of Texas 6 at a price of $1.1 per square foot from Hannover Estates.

Jenney said school officials are considering the Hannover site for a new elementary school, which would be the 45th in the district, and an alternative learning center.

The planned elementary and alternative learning campuses are part of the bond package voters approved last November. . .(get the full story at: http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/nb/fortbend/news/5608625.html)

or get FBN coverage at:

FBISDWatch comment:

It looks like near market value again was paid for undeveloped land in east fort bend county (FBISD)...

Monday, March 10, 2008

FBN: Seale Seeks To Borrow Against The Bond (Debt) For Future Building Projects

See this FBN piece for more on this and don't forget the regular BOT meeting tonight at 7p. at the administration building on Lexington. Also today is the last day to file for the May BOT elections.

Get more at: http://www.fortbendnow.com/pages/full_story?article-FBISD-Trustees-To-Consider-Resolution-To-Use--10-25-Million-In-Bond-Proceeds%20=&page_label=home&id=22050&widget=push&instance=home_news_bullets&open=&

Friday, March 7, 2008

Tunstall Files For Missouri City Council!

From FortBendWeb:

Tunstall To Make Another Run At Missouri City Council

It has been brought to our attention that Kevin Tunstall, a local healthcare business owner and former district C council candidate, has filed to run in the May 10th city council races for the position 2 at large seat currently held by long-time incumbent Buddy Jimerson. He joins Harvey Willie (30) also of Missouri City in challenging for the seat.

Tunstall ran on a platform in 2007 and was narrowly defeated, after Bob Burton vacated his district C seat, by an Owen backed candidate. He advocated for lower taxes, fiscal responsibility, demanded a repeal of the cities controversial infrastructure ordinance (46-4), wanted a full review of the contract with the Blue Ridge Landfill Co. with the city, especially the non-opposition sections preventing the council from opposing the proposed 20 story expansion of the facility, and campaigned for improved parity in development, opposing tax increment reinvestment zones for select commercial developers in prime areas, many who had reportedly made regular campaign contributions to the mayor and several current and past council members, giving off the perception of potential conflicts of interest as well as was very concerned about the loss of Herman Hospital at the end of 2006.

When asked why he is seeking this seat, Tunstall responded, "because the current mayor and council have lost touch with the community they serve and are no longer living up to their obligations to ALL of the city".

To get more on these or other candidates, please click the title link above or visit:





Thursday, March 6, 2008

FB Star Covers MHS "Riot" In Missouri City

Three fights at Marshall HS get 17 cited

By Barbara Fulenwider

Fights that broke out during the lunch hour in the commons area of Marshall High School on Friday have resulted in 17 students receiving citations for disorderly conduct.

Boys and girls from 14 years old to 18 participated in the three fights, which took four administrators to break up, according to Ernesto Rodriguez, the district’s director of safe and secure schools.

“The appropriate disciplinary action has been taken for each student involved,” Rodriguez said, and that is what has taken time to sort out. The disciplinary action, said Nancy Porter, FBISD spokeswoman, is according to the student conduct code, the student’s age, frequency of misconduct, attitude -- “it’s on an individual basis for each student.”

Rodriguez said, “Administrators had broken up the fights but it took about 30 minutes for the (FBISD police) officers to sort things out.” Porter said backup police were “called to control the crowd of kids in the cafeteria.”

FBW comment:

This report which relies heavily on official FBISD sources would seem to contradict the 911 calls published last week in FBN. See: http://www.fortbendnow.com/pages/full_story?article-Police-Tapes-Show-Dispatchers-Sent-Officers-To-Quell--Huge-Fight--At-Marshall%20=&page_label=results_content&id=20853-Police-Tapes-Show-Dispatchers-Sent-Officers-To-Quell--Huge-Fight--At-Marshall&widget=push&open=&

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Pinnock Files For Missouri City Council Position!

Pinnock Files For MoCity At-Large Position 1
by Jamie Mock, FortBendNow

Noel Pinnock has filed to run for Missouri City Council At-Large Position 1, currently held by Jerry Wyatt. Pinnock is a 34-year-old Quail Valley resident, and an employee of the Houston Independent School District.

Wyatt has filed for re-election, along with current Mayor Allen Owen and At-Large Position 2 Councilman Buddy Jimerson. Willie Edward Harvey, III filed yesterday to run for At-Large Position 2 against Jimerson. Greyling Poats has filed to run for mayor against Owen for a second time, after having lost in the 2006 election. . . full story at:


From FBN: Town Hall Generates Good PR, But Is It Really Inclusive?

FBISD Holds Town Hall Meeting To Discuss District Goals
by John Pape

More than 100 people turned out to hear Fort Bend ISD Superintendent Dr. Timothy Jenney provide a briefing on some of the district’s major goals for the current and upcoming school year.

The meeting was held at the Fort Bend ISD Annex Main Auditorium. Jenney discussed such topics as the district’s strategic plan, the Leadership and Learning Center, the Safe and Secure Schools campus assessments, the Bond Review Committee and technology...

Get the full stories at:

