2009 FBISD Tax Hearing (On YouTube)

CLICK HERE FOR THE 2009 FBISD CONTROVERSIAL TAX HEARING (YES THEY ARE RAISING THEM AGAIN--see petition of over 500 district taxpayers asking for board accountability) --In case anyone missed it they raised the property tax rate again (4th time) in 2010 and more than likely will do so again in 2011 facing another projected 15-20 million dollar budget deficit, according to some media reports. ***NEW*** ..Petition TO STOP THE GSTC (Global Science Museum being planned at the district central office--near $30 million dollar project that superintendent Jenney is pushing): http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/stopthegcst/ (see update below on this apparently ending this project after 2 years)

Saturday, October 27, 2007

From FBN: Fort Bend ISD Watch Site Recommended

Fort Bend ISD Watch Site Recommended
Oct, 2007

We have a new FBISDWATCH site (http://fbisdwatch.blogspot.com/) that is active and reporting issues related to FBISD. Many of the constituents in the Fort Bend area need to have their fingertips on the pulse of our schools and the welfare of our educational system.

I know first hand that education can become very political and smog the main reason why the system exists and that is to provide a formidable and free education to all children (*despite socioeconomic factors, color, race, creed, religion, or disability*) enabling them to be prepared for college, career, and/or trade, but most importantly…*LIFE and FAMILY*.

For this reason, I support sites such as the FBISDWATCH site and I am recommending it to anyone that is interested in having a source of unadulterated information with a consumer, taxpayer, and concerned citizen perspective in mind.

Log in today: http://fbisdwatch.blogspot.com/

Noel Pinnock
Fort Bend County

From: http://www.fortbendnow.com/opinion/3490/fort-bend-isd-watch-site-recommended#c019264

Mr. Pinnock is an author, former board of trustee candidate, community activist and long-time educator living in Missouri City.